Other Business


No Action
by the Planning Commission

Commission Chair Pat Phillips announced he has appointed the following commissioners as members of the Executive Committee for calendar year 2022:
Patrick Phillips, Chair
Scott Smith, Vice Chair
Jeff Roth (new) replaced Tamara Boyer
Tim Hill

See case notes below


Case Notes



Consideration of appointment of Planning Commission Executive Committee members for the calendar year 2022.


Case Notes

Staff Recommendation

Commission Chair Pat Phillips announced he has appointed the following commissioners as members of the Executive Committee for calendar year 2022:
Patrick Phillips, Chair
Scott Smith, Vice Chair
Jeff Roth (new) replaced Tamara Boyer
Tim Hill

Commission Chair Pat Phillips announced he has appointed the following commissioners as members of the Executive Committee for calendar year 2022:
Patrick Phillips, Chair
Scott Smith, Vice Chair
Jeff Roth (new) replaced Tamara Boyer
Tim Hill
Chris Ooten
Disposition Summary

Commission Chair Pat Phillips announced he has appointed the following commissioners as members of the Executive Committee for calendar year 2022:
Patrick Phillips, Chair
Scott Smith, Vice Chair
Jeff Roth (new) replaced Tamara Boyer
Tim Hill

Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission

Case History