Other Business


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

APPROVE the amendment

See case notes below


Case Notes



Amendments to MPC's Administrative Rules and Procedures dealing with notifications


Case Notes

Staff Recommendation

APPROVE the amendment

This revision continues to provide notification to adjoining property owners by mail, but eliminates the certified letter requirement. The certified letters are expensive for MPC and the applicant, and they cause problems for the person receiving the letter because they are required to sign for it. Many people are not at home when their mail is delivered, thus causing them to have to make a trip to their branch post office to receive the notification. Using cards to notify will be less expensive and more convenient to all concerned, but will still provide the necessary notification for proposed rezonings and development projects. There will be no change in the 200 ft and 500 ft. distance requirement for certain types of applications.
Disposition Summary
APPROVE the amendment

Metropolitan Planning Commission

Case History