August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Donna (37920), July 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM
I live in the neighborhood adjacent to the proposed building site for this proposed project. Ginn Farm Road is precariously narrow and cannot handle any additional traffic without a widening of the road. Additionally, I believe this property is in the county and not the city thus would not have city sewer service. I am told that the property in question would be too small for drain fields and septic tanks for 7 homes. It is my understanding that the homes on either side of the site in question both have septic tanks. Please do not approve this project.
Jessica (37920), July 14, 2024 at 1:01 PM
Extremely concerned about the road width . Traffic is already an issue due to narrowness of road and potential ingress/egress to a proposed multi home development. On both sides of property in question are hills which create blind spots. Access to 129 has increased traffic on Ginn Farm Road.
Jessica (37920), July 9, 2024 at 11:25 AM
The Hillside Protection Ordinance was put in place with a great deal of public comment and compromise. As the developable land inside the city limits dwindles, more and more of these hillside variances will be requested in places such as South Knoxville, where I've lived for the past 20 years. We are facing a great deal of development pressure, as is the entire city, and much of the heavily sloped land relies on the Ordinance for protection from canopy loss and stormwater problems. Precedent is important, and we have to be very vigilant to protect the integrity of the Hillside Protection Ordinance so development does not degrade the environment and burden other property owners and residents. Mature trees are part of our infrastructure and should be valued as such. I respectfully ask that you deny this variance request as the owner is not suffering a hardship.
Jessica (37920), July 12, 2024 at 4:01 PM
See attached letter from the City Tree Board.
View Attachment
William (37920), July 8, 2024 at 3:55 PM
The majority of Ginn Farm Drive is a very narrow road. Two cars cannot pass on this road between Ginnbrooke Lane and Maloney Road. This road cannot handle any more traffic brought on by any future development. The plot of land in question is on the ridgetop which means any traffic coming from that plot would be entering the road on a blind hill. This road is already a potential source of vehicle accidents due to the narrowness. Also, if it is currently zoned as a protected hillside/ridgetop that needs to be undeveloped due to potential erosion issues, I think it should remain protected. The potential buyers knew this designation before pursuing purchase of the property. Michael Wood, the current owner knew this designation when he purchased the property in 2018. He is a known realtor in the South Knox are for subdivision development and rental properties.