March 13, 2025
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Courtnay (37738), February 6, 2024 at 11:17 AM
I am writing in opposition of the proposed condominium project in Gettysvue. My parents have been homeowners in the neighborhood since 1997; my husband & I being the subsequent responsible party for their property, as they are aging, hence the interest in said project. I will not write an epistle here, but would like to make a few concerning points:
1. The aesthetic of this building does not fit the surrounding architecture of homes. Gettysvue is a neighborhood heralded with stunning homes and beautiful views. A building detracts from both, which brings me to point #2.
2. Property values will likely suffer. As in many housing markets, property values ebb and flow, thus adapt. With a permanent building comes the likelihood of a permanent decrease. I think of it in similarly to a home that gets the short end of imminent domain for a road expansion or cell tower installation. Those folks aren’t recovering.
3. I’ll lump my next concerns into 1 point, as they are likely to be perceived as emotional or unfounded: traffic management and stability of the ground. I’m sure you’re aware that a home adjacent to this proposed property actually did have a foundation issue due to the caves and caverns that sit below. How will a building or “complex” of this type affect the stability of the ground for existing properties?