11-J-24-DP Stacy (37914), November 13, 2024 at 6:14 PM
I am concerned about the infrastructure for this area being able to keep up with the amount of homes being added. We have hardly any shops in this area and my kids who are in middle and high school now have went through their whole academic career in schools that are some of the oldest in Knoxville . Additionally all have trailers to house students already. Will new schools and stores be added to accommodate this growth?
11-J-24-DP Sarah (37914), November 13, 2024 at 10:05 PM
Please do not approve the building of ao many residential properties. Our community cannot handle that type of growth. Our schools are crowded as it is. Please reconsider this plan and protect our community
10-I-24-RZ Sarah (37914), November 12, 2024 at 9:34 PM
Please reconsider developing any part of our small community. We do not have the roads or schools to accommodate such growth. It takes away our natural resources and natural habitat for wildlife that we desperately need to keep.