October 3, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Amanda (37931), September 4, 2024 at 8:50 PM
Hello. I am writing to voice my concerns about the new possible subdivision. Our community infrastructure does not support the quick rise in population. There have been several new subdivisions on Karns Valley and West Emory in the last several months, and it has negatively impacted the community as a whole. Traffic is always backed up so badly in the morning and afternoon. Not only do I have difficulty getting in and out of my own subdivision, our school busses are having difficulty getting children to school on time due to traffic back up. Please do not allow any more residential space because we simply cannot keep up with it!
Amy (37931), September 5, 2024 at 11:36 AM
I have attached a document with my statement as well as photos. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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Anthony (37931), August 31, 2024 at 6:38 PM
I would like to submit a request for the planning commission to carefully consider the current housing developments on Karns Valley Drive and the potential impact that a new housing development will create. The traffic saturation level on this road is extremely high even with the addition of the temporary red light at Karns Valley Drive and Beaver Ridge. Karns Valley is frequently used by large commercial trucks. There are currently several condo units in development on Karns Valley Drive which impinge upon the visibility of drivers attempting to exit the established neighborhoods on the road and have contributed to the traffic congestion. I am not necessarily opposed to a new housing development on the proposed site. However, I would ask for the commission to consider limiting the number of units allowed to be build upon this property and for the units to be reflective of the current established neighborhoods in the area.
Benjamin (37931), September 4, 2024 at 7:31 PM
This new development should take into consideration the heavy amount of traffic in Karns Valley and Emory Road. The addition of a 6du property in this area will not be supported with the current road infrastructure in this area. I know that our concerns will not halt the development of this property but I highly encourage a 4DU property instead. At least this will offer a few less cars in an already heavily populated area.
Bryant (37931), September 5, 2024 at 8:34 PM
My comments are in the attached document. Thanks for your time and attention.
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Capt Chris
Capt Chris (37931), September 4, 2024 at 1:02 PM
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the ongoing construction of additional residences in our Karns community. While I understand the desire for growth and development, I believe that the current pace of construction is far outpacing the infrastructure and resources necessary to support a larger population. The traffic congestion on Emory Road and surrounding areas has become increasingly unbearable. The roads are already overburdened, leading to long wait times, increased pollution, and a significant decline in quality of life for residents. Adding more homes to the mix will only exacerbate these problems. I urge the relevant authorities to reconsider the current rate of development and take steps to mitigate the negative impacts on our community. This may include:
* Imposing a temporary moratorium on new construction until the existing infrastructure can be adequately upgraded.
* Reevaluating the zoning regulations and land use.
* I believe that it is essential to prioritize the well-being of our community and the long-term sustainability of our development. By taking action to address the traffic congestion and other related issues, we can ensure that our community remains a desirable place to live and work for years to come.
Chad (37931), September 4, 2024 at 7:37 PM
Traffic on Karns Valley and the red light at West Emory and Beaver Ridge Road cannot handle the traffic now with the multiple new Smithbilt developments in the area. Please consider traffic upgrades prior to allowing another neighborhood to be built. Also, six units per acre is unreasonably too close together. The new development should match neighboring communities at four units per acre.
Clement (37931), August 29, 2024 at 3:06 PM
It's very good idea good for creating job
Dominique (37931), September 4, 2024 at 12:47 PM
Building a new subdivision on the Mcfarland land is going to add to existing problems we have due to the influx of new people. The area is becoming over developed with residents but our community infrastructure is not developed enough to support the rapidly growing population. More residents will add to traffic which is already a huge problem. In addition, our roads are falling apart and we only get temporary fixes. New housing will be detrimental to our community.
Henrietta (37931), September 15, 2024 at 4:35 PM
It is quite disappointing that the case notes by the Planning Commission is approving the rezoning and development of the property. Development is great, however any incremental revenue to the county is not invested back into the infrastructure of the area. Karns/Hardin Valley areas have developed at an impetuous rate, with no consideration or parallel development of the roads and infrastructure. The traffic along single lane roads along Karns Valley Dr and W Emory Rd is absurd and most importantly a major safety issue in the event of an emergency - fire or medical etc. It is impossible to pass or to get into and out of subdivisions/driveways. Travel times to Middlebrook Pike/Hardin Valley Rd have tripled due to current growth. Further growth would not be beneficial to current or new residents. I live in the Brookhaven neighborhood, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to safely exit and enter my own home, and during morning and late afternoon hours it is impossible. Additionally, the building of townhomes currently being carried out along Karns Valley Dr has resulted in excess trash and ongoing noise. Further development in the area would exacerbate this situation and devaluing our property, diminishing greenery. This rezoning and development should not be approved! 
Sara (37931), September 2, 2024 at 8:56 PM
As a resident of Brookhaven subdivision, there are so many issues to consider with a new building. The first is the traffic that is already horrendous along Karns Valley. The second is concerns about Beaver creek as it is a wonderful blue way with tons of life. How will this effect our precious waters and wildlife?? Finally, the addition of townhomes/condos/duplex's is absolutely greedy and a disgusting use of that land that will effect our livelihoods long after the builders have made their money and left.
Scott (37931), September 11, 2024 at 12:14 PM
I am concerned about the request for PR zoning with 6 du/ac. I am a licensed professional engineer in the State of Tennessee, and I have 29 years of fire protection experience. I practice as a fire protection engineer, and I believe that 6 du/ac under PR zoning does not allow for enough separation between dwelling to ensure fire safety for the development. Attached is a letter I have authored detailing why I believe this to be the case.
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Stephanie (37931), September 5, 2024 at 9:07 PM
Please plan for roads before allowing more houses in this area. We already have a hard time getting out of our subdivision because of traffic flow on Karns Valley Road.
Teri (37931), September 4, 2024 at 8:23 PM
You should not rezone this. The schools are already over crowded and there's too much traffic congestion with the roads built the way they are and you are destroying the protected wet lands.
Tiffany (37931), September 6, 2024 at 7:56 AM
I am a current resident of Brookhaven and our entire neighborhood has concerns with this planned development. Overcrowding, more traffic on an already saturated infrastructure, safety concerns, roads that are already inaccessible during certain times of the day. Those are just a few of the many reasons why building more homes in this area is a terrible idea. Wildlife is another concern. As we continue to build up the area we are removing habitats. There will be even more incidents of animals being stuck by vehicles which will increase the risk of medical emergencies.