Planning Looks to Overhaul Subdivision Regulations
Planning staff is drafting a major overhaul of the Knoxville-Knox County Minimum Subdivision Regulations, with proposed changes to be released for public review in the next couple of months.
Draft amendments include combining similar standards and procedures to make it simpler to maneuver through the document. Changes are also intended to eliminate confusion between Planning's subdivision standards and requirements that have been adopted by the City of Knoxville and Knox County in their ordinances and design regulations. Planning staff has been working with city and county engineering departments over the past few months to ensure coordination and compatibility among all departments.
Among the major changes proposed for Planning's Minimum Subdivision Regulations:
- Article 1 - General Provisions:This Article consolidates Sections 1 and 8 and the Appeals provision from Section 3 of the existing regulations. Sections to be included: title; general purpose statement; authority; area of jurisdiction; variance procedures; appeal procedure; amendments; enforcement and penalties for violations; separability; repealer; and effective date.
- Article 2 - Administration and Procedures and Specifications for Submission of Plans and Plats: This Article combines existing Sections 3 and 4 which identify the subdivision review responsibilities of public agencies, and the procedures and specifications for submission of concept plans, design plans, final plats and administrative plats.
- Article 3 - Design Standards and Required Improvements: This Article combines design standards located in Sections 6 and 7 of the existing regulations: lot standards; access standards; streets and roads; sidewalks and street furniture; storm drainage; monuments, pins and reference markers; guarantee of improvements; utilities; required easements; and public open spaces.
- Article 4 - Alternative Design Standards and Required Improvements: This Article includes design standards that will, under special circumstances, replace or supplement the general design standards required in Article 3. Provisions regarding large-scale development and design innovations, and regulations regarding hillside development that are presently located under Section 8 will be moved to this Article. Any subdivision standards that come out of the Joint City-County Task Force on Ridge, Slope, and Hillside Development and Protection will be incorporated into this Article. This Article will also include cross-references to the Form Based Development Codes (Knoxville South Waterfront) that include streetscape standards that differ from the general street standards in the subdivision regulations. Planning staff is also preparing a conservation subdivision ordinance that would be included in this Article.
- Article 5 - Definitions: The definitions section is being moved to the back of the regulations since it normally is used for reference.
The draft amendments to the Minimum Subdivision Regulations will be available on Planning's website once they are completed. A public workshop will be held within two months of the release of the draft.
For more information on the proposed amendments to Planning's Minimum Subdivision Regulations, contact Tom Brechko at 865-215-2500 or
Posted 09-28-2011, written by Tom Brechko