Community Input Needed for City's One Year Plan

2011 One Year Plan

The Development Services staff of Planning is beginning work on the 2012 One Year Plan update, the plan that serves as the basis for rezoning decisions and short term public improvements within the City of Knoxville. A series of three public meetings will be held by staff throughout the month of February to review plan update proposals and gather input from citizens.

The Knoxville City Charter requires that a One Year Planbe developed and adopted to tie the City of Knoxville's zoning districts to the Comprehensive Plan for the community. The Charter also requires development of 15-year (Sector Plans) and 5-year (Capital Improvement Plan) plans for policy and mid-range guidance for the One Year Plan.

The first One Year Plan public forum is set for Wednesday, February 8 to review North, East, and Central sector update proposals. This meeting will be held at the New Harvest Community Center, 4775 New Harvest Lane, at 6 pm. Two additional community forums will be held in other parts of the city ? dates and locations have not been finalized but will be announced shortly.

The One Year Plan will be considered by Planning on March 8, 2012 and City Council on April 3 and 17, 2012.

If you have any questions or comments about the 2012 One Year Plan update, contact Mike Brusseau at 865-215-2500 or

Posted 1-18-2012, written by Mike Brusseau