Planning Overhauling Off-Street Parking Standards
Planning staff has been working for several months on a draft of new off-street parking standards for Knox County. The effort was initiated at the request of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department, calling for an update of the nearly 50-year old standards to better control water quality problems and address landscaping requirements. The Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals also weighed in on the matter, citing large numbers of requests for variances asking for parking stall size reductions.
To get the ball rolling, Planning met with County Engineering staff and presented a draft outline of best national practices that should be included in the new standards. That meeting resulted in a revised scope for the project, which includes:
- Addressing land use changes
- Adding parking garage standards
- Making provisions for outdoor sales as temporary uses
- Adding a tree species list
- Adding incentives for good design
The most dramatic change from the existing off-street parking standards is the setting of both minimum and maximum number of spaces required. Current standards address only the minimum number, which is often set too high. Excessive parking discourages pedestrian access, promotes traffic congestion, drives up costs of development, and increases flooding and pollution.
New tools that will encourage developers to reduce the amount of pavement at their sites include a shared parking provision, allowing the phasing of off-street parking, the use of pervious surfaces, and reducing parking stall size.
Once finished, the draft off-street parking standards will be forwarded to County staff for review, and Planning staff will begin to draft the parking lot landscaping component. Completion of the full standards is expected in the next several months.
Posted 1-25-2012, written by Jeff Archer