Planners to Host Open House for South County Sector Plan Update

South Knox County

The second round of public input sessions is gearing up for the South County Sector Plan update, with community meetings scheduled for May 8 and 10. Citizens will be able to ask Planning staff questions, offer comments, and make recommendations on the sector plan. Planning will present four key proposals in the sector plan update: a future Land Use Plan, a Community Facilities Plan, a Transportation Improvement Plan, and a Green Infrastructure Plan.

At the first-round meetings held last year, there was significant public interest in protecting the scenic qualities of the Governor John Sevier Highway corridor. The draft plan to be presented this month includes a proposal for a scenic corridor overlay for the highway. Also included among plan proposals are concepts for French Broad River conservation and designs to extend Legacy Park's Urban Wilderness trail system into the South County Sector.

Sector plans are updated periodically and are used in making recommendations for zoning cases and capital improvements.

The community input sessions will be open house format, where information will be presented on display boards with staff available to answer questions. There will not be a formal presentation, so the public is welcome to come at any time during the scheduled sessions.

Meeting times and locations include:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
New Hopewell Baptist Church
943 Kimberlin Heights Rd
Knoxville, TN 37920
5:30PM - 7:00PM

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Bonny Kate Elementary School
7608 Martin Mill Pike
Knoxville, TN 37920
5:30PM - 7:00PM

After this round of meetings, there will be a final session to review the draft South County Sector Plan. Planning staff will again take feedback on the draft for possible modification before presenting the plan for approval by Planning, County Commission and City Council.

If you have questions or would like to make comments on the proposals you can contact Liz Albertson at 215-3804 or, or contact Mike Carberry at 215-3825.

Posted 5-02-2012, written by Liz Albertson