Smart Trips Hosts Free Carpool/Vanpool Lunch Seminar
Smart Trips is hosting a free, informational lunch session on Thursday November 12th to explain new carpool and vanpool options available to downtown commuters.

Save money and help the environment by carpooling/vanpooling with other commuters.
"People in Knoxville drive over 30 miles a day on average, much of that to and from work," says Sara Martin, Outreach Coordinator for Smart Trips." Even when gas is cheap, that daily distance adds up. There are lots of new carpool and vanpool options available that can help local commuters save money."

Learn about vanpooling in leased vehicles at the lunch session.
The lunch session, held in the upstairs conference room at Café 4 on Market Square, will cover local park-and-ride lots available, demonstrate the Smart Trips online ridematching database, and explain how to start a vanpool using a leased vehicle.

See who's commuting along your route with Smart Trips ridematching software.
"Driving to work alone is such an ingrained habit for American workers," says Martin. "We don’t often stop to think that there are other ways. Ridesharing is a boon to anyone looking to spend less money and reduce emissions."
There are a few seats remaining for the free lunch seminar. All downtown Knoxville commuters are welcome to attend.

Commuters can easily conect with other commuters in their area.
Contact Sara Martin for more information and to RSVP.