Planning Thanks Outgoing Commissioners and Welcomes New Appointments

Planning would like to thank our outgoing Commissioners, former Vice Mayor Jack Sharp, Bart Carey, and Michael Kane, for their service to the agency and the entire community.

(L to R): Jack Sharp, Bart Carey, and Michael Kane

We're grateful for the unique insight and perspective each brought to the table, and for their extended commitment to Planning as we transitioned to a new Executive Director, Gerald Green.

We would also like to welcome Mayor Rogero's new appointments, Gayle Bustin, Patrick Phillips, and Charles Thomas, as they begin their terms as Commissioners. 

The Planning Commission is an advisory board made up of 15 citizens, seven of which are appointed by the City Mayor and eight by the County Mayor. They come from a variety of backgrounds and represent a broad spectrum of community interests and concerns. They volunteer their time, serving staggered four-year terms.