Southwest County Sector Plan Adopted

The Knox County Commission and Knoxville City Council have adopted the Southwest County Sector Plan.

The Southwest County Sector has been one of the fastest growing areas of Knox County for the last few decades. The last plan was adopted in 2005, and since then the area has seen significant growth and change. Retail complexes have been established, new residential subdivisions have helped welcome 30,000 new residents to the area, a new elementary school has opened, and road improvements have been completed. Because of this growth, it was important for Planning’s planners to carefully consider current and future needs for land use, transportation, and community facilities during this update. 

A lot of community input effort went into developing the plan and we would like to see this engagement continue and grow. Starting in April, Planning staff met with various groups within the community and presented information on the updates at public meetings. Meetings were held with the Council for West Knox County Homeowners Inc., Westlands West HOA, and Falcon Pointe HOA, as well as at other church and school locations in order to receive public input and feedback throughout the process. Though the update has been completed, we encourage community members to stay engaged in their community and the work of the Commission. Below are just a few of the opportunities to do so:

  • Take our online survey to help us improve the sector planning process based on your recent experience.
  • Join and participate in your neighborhood or homeowners association.
  • Invite a Planning planner to present at your next community meeting. Planning staff are always willing to come and meet with community groups to discuss the work of the Commission or related topics. Call us at 215-3821 or send an email inquiry.
  • Receive emails about Planning agenda activity, news, or weekly meeting announcements by signing up on our website.
  • Attend our monthly Planning meetings, held on the second Thursday of the month at 1:30 pm in the Large Assembly Room of the City County Building, located at 400 Main Street. If you are unable to attend, you can access a video recording of the meeting on our website.
  • Support the “rural retreat” zoning change recommended in the plan. Details about this proposed change can be found on our website.
  • Participate in the City zoning ordinance update. Information on this project can be found on our website, and will continue to be updated throughout the process.