Edgewood-Park City Open House

An open house will be held from 1 – 4 p.m. on Friday, February 17 to discuss the proposed expansion to the existing Edgewood-Park City Historic District H-1 Zoning Overlay.

The event will be at the O’Connor Senior Citizen’s Center at 611 Winona Street. The open house will give community members an opportunity to provide feedback in a casual environment. Attendees will be able to fill out comment cards, pick up handouts, and view the presentation slides from the public meeting in January. Planning and City Community Development staff will be available to answer questions and gather input on the proposed expansion.

Information about the proposed expansion will be available:

  • Proposed historic district expansion boundaries
  • Proposed design guideline updates
  • Process for design review in historic districts
  • Process for applying for permits in historic districts

This event follows a community meeting held on January 19. A summary of that meeting can be found here.