Planning Sponsors February 17th Open House On The Proposal To Expand The Edgewood-Park City H-1 Overlay
Planning sponsored a community open house on February 17th at the O’Connor Senior Center.
The event gave property owners in the proposed expansion area of the Edgewood-Park City Historic District H-1 Overlay an opportunity to receive information and give input. Planning staff provided handouts and a PowerPoint presentation from a previous meeting on January 19th. Approximately 20 participants were in attendance at any given time. A total of 44 attendees signed in.
The discussion at the meeting centered on two main points: Concerns about renovation costs in a historic district How those concerns could be addressed by updating the design guidelines Suggestions for more flexibility in the design criteria to offer renovation solutions with a greater range of price points Acknowledgement that change is coming to Parkridge Whether or not a historic overlay would be the right tool to guide that change Concerns about the extra effort, and sometime inconvenience, it would take to impact that change through a set of design standards created by the neighborhood A draft map of the potential expanded district boundaries, including 529 properties, can be found here.
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