Interest In Residential Use Along Knoxville's Major Roads Sparks Commercial Zoning Amendment
UPDATE: The amendment initially identified the use as permitted only in the C-3 commercial district. At their meeting July 13, the Metropolitan Planning Commission directed that the use also be permitted in the C-6 commercial park district. The revised amendment incorporates this change. The Metropolitan Planning Commission approved this measure on August 10th and it will be forwarded to City Council for final consideration in September.
Under the direction and guidance of City Council, Planning staff crafted the amendment to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses in the C-3 General Commercial Zone
Planning staff has drafted a proposed amendment to the C-3 General Commercial zoning standards. Residential uses are currently prohibited in most of the City’s commercial districts, but this amendment identifies multi-dwelling structures as a use permitted on review.
The amendment would allow dwelling units in the C-3 zoning district, either as a separate structure or as part of a mixed use development. Proposed review and approval standards have also been established.
The standards would address the location of the structure with dwelling units on a parcel, minimum design standards, and screening requirements when the structure borders a residential district.
A growing interest in developing residential uses along the City’s highway corridors prompted the drafting of this ordinance amendment. The goal is to enliven corridors, support the businesses along them, and strengthen adjacent neighborhoods.
The C-3 zoning where this would be permitted is located along many of the major corridors in the City. Western Avenue, Clinton Highway, Magnolia Avenue, and Broadway are some of the roadways included. A detailed map of areas with C-3 Zoning is shown below: