Annual One Year Plan Update Gets Underway

The Metropolitan Planning Commission is beginning the annual update of the One Year Plan for the City of Knoxville.

What is the One Year Plan?

The City of Knoxville’s One Year Plan (OYP) serves as the foundation for zoning decisions and is based on the land-use goals, objectives, and policies found in the City’s long-range plans. Updated yearly, it is guided by public input to ensure that it is current and accurate when used to promote community growth, preservation, and enhancement.

View Maps of 2018 Update + Proposals

How does the One Year Plan affect me?

Planning and City Council use the OYP to evaluate individual rezoning requests. Every parcel of land in Knoxville is assigned a OYP land-use classification with a range of acceptable zones. If a requested zoning change does not fall within that range, a plan amendment is required for rezoning.

How do I get involved?

There will be three public meetings in February. Community members are encouraged to attend to ask questions and comment on proposed updates.

Topics of discussion at these meetings will include:

  • Plan amendments since the 2017 update;
  • Permitted land uses and zoning districts;
  • Development policies;
  • Updates to the slope and stream protection areas within the North and West City Sectors, including portions of unincorporated Knox County; and
  • Illustrations of differences between permitted land uses and zoning.

The information presented at these meetings will be specific to the geographic regions of the City and County indicated in the meeting information found below.

When are the meetings?

Meeting details, including times and locations, can be found on our extended calendar. Contact us if you are not sure which meeting to attend.

Tuesday, February 6
West & Northwest Sectors
Middlebrook Pike United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
7234 Middlebrook Pike
6:00 p.m.

Monday, February 12
South Sector
Flenniken Landing Community Room
115 Flenniken Avenue
6:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 15
North, East & Central Sectors
New Harvest Park Community Building
4775 New Harvest Lane
6:00 p.m.

What is the schedule for the 2018 update?

February – public meetings
March – Planning consideration and recommendation to City Council
April – adoption by City Council