Gov. John Sevier Scenic Highway Corridor Stakeholder Committee Meeting Summary

Commissioner Dailey kicked the meeting off by noting that the goal of the study is not to curb or halt development.

He also discussed that possible standards for the way things look in the corridor would not affect the base zoning district rights for use and density.

Planning staff provided an overview of engagement in the study thus far, including media coverage received for the March 4 community meeting at SoKno Market on Gov. John Sevier Highway. Discussion followed and a scenic corridor overlay zone that could provide unique standards for the highway was suggested as a possible recommendation for the corridor.

Some of those proposed standards include landscaping and screening, design guidelines for new buildings, and scenic corridor signage.

Draft transportation recommendations including a road safety audit were reviewed, as well as the recommendation for a greenway corridor study outside of the area adjacent to Gov. John Sevier Highway, and the planned TDOT improvements slated for 2034 were also discussed.

Concerns noted by stakeholders included property owner notification and impact to property rights, the need for more immediate solutions to traffic safety (such as installation of rumble strips and limiting curb cuts), and enforcement needs for existing standards.

A follow-up meeting with the stakeholder committee will be scheduled soon.

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