Planning Thanks Outgoing Commissioners and Welcomes New Appointees
Planning would like to thank our outgoing Commissioners, Herb Anders, Laura Cole, and Becky Longmire.
We appreciate their commitment to the agency and their service to the entire community.
We would also like to welcome Mayor Burchett’s new appointments, Tamara Boyer, Lou Browning, and Dick Graf, who have volunteered to serve four-year terms.

Tamara Boyer
Tamara Boyer has over 25 years of experience in real estate and finance, both as a corporate attorney and a business executive. Tamara has dedicated her time and energies to making a positive difference in Knoxville and throughout East Tennessee, serving on boards for both local and national non-profit organizations focused on children and economic development. Despite professional opportunities that could have lured her away from Knoxville, Tamara has been determined to remain in her adopted hometown and to dedicate her time and talents to enhancing the community. Her goal as a commissioner is to grow and preserve the beauty of the Knoxville area.

Lou Browning
A Knoxville native and graduate of the University of Tennessee, Lou Browning is President and CEO of Summit South Mortgage, which he founded in 2002 as a mortgage brokerage firm. He is responsible for mortgage loan production and oversees the strategic direction of the company. Lou has over 15 years’ experience and has closed more than $750 million in mortgage loans during his career. His goal as a planning commissioner is to promote residential growth, means to homeownership, preservation of real estate values, and responsible economic development.

Dick Graf
Dick Graf is a retired home builder and developer who lives in south Knoxville. He is a past president of both the Knoxville and Tennessee Home Builders Associations. He also served as president of the Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Association and is a former director of MidSouth Mutual Insurance Company. This is the third time Dick has served as an Planning commissioner. His first committment was for two consecutive terms from 1987-1995, including several years when he was commission vice chair and chair. He served again from 2001-2009. His goal with this term is to encourage development that enhances the community and lifestyle of residents, while ensuring careful consideration of pros and cons of each proposal brought to Commission.
The Planning Commission is an advisory board made up of 15 citizens, seven of which are appointed by the City Mayor and eight by the County Mayor. They come from a variety of backgrounds and represent a broad spectrum of community interests and concerns. They volunteer their time, serving staggered four-year terms.