Changes to Infill Housing

As of August 28, the review process for applications within the Infill Housing Overlay District has changed.

Previously, the Infill Housing Committee was responsible for reviewing these requests. The committee was made up of staff from the City of Knoxville, Planning, and the East Tennessee Community Design Center. At their July meeting, the Planning Commission voted to move the review process to the Design Review Board. Later that month, City Council also approved the change.

This change was proposed to solve issues caused by the make-up of the Infill Housing Committee. Committee members were all staff, and due to the Tennessee Open Meetings Act, were prevented from being able to thoroughly discuss an application prior to the meeting.

Planning staff who take applications and guide customers through the process will now be able to discuss the appropriateness of an application and provide guidance to applicants leading up to the formal meeting, enhancing internal coordination and customer service.

As part of this change, a staff member from the East Tennessee Community Design Center will be added to the Design Review Board as a permanent seat to provide continuity.

Applicants should complete and submit the Design Review Request Form and review the Infill Housing Checklist. The Design Review Board meets the third Wednesday of every month at 4 p.m. in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building. For more information, please contact Lindsay Crockett at 215-3795 or