8-E-23-OA Kevin (37918), September 11, 2023 at 1:30 PM
The Board of Directors for the Knox County Planning Alliance supports the staff recommendation to deny this proposed amendment to the zoning code. The proposal to reduce buffer yard depth (changes to 12.8.C) applies to all buffer yards across all zoning districts. As staff points out, reducing the width that much would make it difficult to install the required planting, and would have unintended consequences across all districts in the city.
8-E-23-OA Carlene (37918), September 21, 2023 at 12:24 PM
Please deny this request. The professional staff recommendation provides convincing reasons why the presently existing, thoughtful standards and processes, are both appropriate and necessary. They are based on experience and the community is well-served by them.
8-E-23-OA Kevin (37918), November 11, 2024 at 7:41 AM
Regarding the buffer yard for non-residential use that abuts a residential district, this applies when let's say:
Condos are built in a C-1 district that abuts an R-1 district. Or an apartment complex is built next to a house. Note that if it's a multi-family dwelling, there's still a requirement to put in a Class A buffer for the multifamily parking lot if it's abutting RN-1/2/3 or EN residential districts (this is still part of 12-2.)
For example: when a 3 or 4 story apartment complex is built next to my single family residence, I'd really like there to be a buffer yard so the upper floor apartments don't look down into my yard. So maybe the suggestion is to make it:
Nonresidential use in a nonresidential district 3 or more stories in height abuts a residential district - Class B buffer required
1-E-25-RZ royette (37918), December 14, 2024 at 7:10 PM
we have so much traffic on this road. what property is left has been in family's for a lone time. the property is way to small to put town houses or condo's in between our home. thank you