August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

2 Comments for 6-K-22-OA
X Case NumberX ZIP Code
Dawn (37920), June 6, 2022 at 1:21 PM
This is a terrible idea. This process already favors developers over citizens. Why are you adding an additional obstacle and financial burden to concerned communities……the last 11 months we have been attending these meetings not a single development has been REJECTED by the Plan Commissioners or Co Commissioners.

This will further advantage the developers and disadvantage citizens…….this process more fair, balanced and responsible growth.

The residents feel RUN OVER
I respectfully demand you vote NO
Tom (37920), June 6, 2022 at 5:00 PM
You have two comments on file that specifically outline why this proposed amendment should be rejected. One of the comments is from an attorney who is referencing state law regarding boards of zoning appeals and County Commission's lack of authority to approve this proposed amendment, and the other from a certified planner who clearly understands the process. You can stop this foolishness and should stop this foolishness at your meeting. The mayor's suggestion to "streamline" the appeal process seems half-baked, but it's not. It's a deliberate political move to curry favor with developers by allowing them to circumvent the checks and balances of governance. The mayor's head may have slammed into a few turnbuckles in his day, but he's clever enough to assert the duck is not a duck. So are his proxies. It's shameful enough the trampling of zoning regulations over the past year in Knox County, but at least the BZA was a sounding board for regular citizens "to petition the government for a redress of grievances." It seems that neither the mayor, nor developers nor planners nor county commissioners will be satisfied until Knox County's open fields and rolling forests are all razed and paved and covered with over-priced, cookie-cutter housing. You can at least preserve our right to appeal these wrong-minded decisions to the BZA. Do so.