August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

1 Comment for 6-K-22-OA
X Case NumberX ZIP Code
Diane (37922), June 6, 2022 at 6:28 PM
I am one of the leaders of the Northshore Corridor Association, a large citizen group that opposed an overzealous proposal (700 + homes and condominiums), that would have put a sewer plant in a PR zone.

Arguments for the Mayor's proposal are simply wrong. The proposal does not serve Knox County citizens of average means. Removing the right of appeal to a local citizen board favors affluent developers and grossly handicaps average citizens. It would not save time. It would, however, intimidate citizens and remove accessible due process. Please do not condone this unfair proposal.

The Mayor's supporters argue that court is as affordable as BZA, a preposterous claim.

The NCA case was heard by BZA, went to Circuit Court, then to Appeals Court - when the well-heeled Safe Harbor Development group did not accept the local judge's, nor even the appeals court's decision. The case was ultimately resolved in citizen favor when the TN Supreme Ct. declined the developers’ request to be heard. The case went on for more than four years, costing many, many thousands of dollars in legal and expert fees. NCA's legal fees, to the extent allowed by law, were assessed against Knox County, a co- defendant. It should also be noted that once court is the only option, negotiated, amicable compromise is off the table, and all parties have lost control of time and costs.

Strengthen the process, clarify the zoning ordinances, do not eliminate an important citizen right.