December 9, 2021
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

X DateX ZIP Code
Shayne (37849), December 8, 2021 at 8:55 AM
- Some residents that this zoning could impact were not notified and due to the way the roads flow never have reason to drive by the posting sign

- Most residents I have spoken to do not want the zoning changed due to the possibility of increase traffic flow, the unlimited possibilities of the amount of units that could be placed if it is changed, decrease in property values if apartments, group homes, trailer parks are put on the property

- increase in crime rate if certain types of units are placed on the property - the neighborhood had some drug and theft issues several years ago but they have declined due to the individuals cleaning up their act, moving away, or being overcome by their addiction issues

- Although the owners have stated they have no plans for the property and seem to be nice people, they placed apartments on property they owned that is connected to this property then sold them. The owners, to my knowledge have not lived in the Bells Campground area although they do own property there. They have no stake in the neighborhood other than business ventures.

- Myself and the residents I have spoken with request the Commission follow the staff recommendations and deny the rezoning request.
Summer (37849), December 7, 2021 at 11:41 PM
I live nearby and this is a very dangerous intersection of Norris Freeway. The alternate traffic pattern would be to use the one lane road Gordon Smith to Andersonville pike. The Andersonville Pike intersection with Gordon Smith is equally treacherous due to being at a blind Hill. The schools are crowded and neighbors are concerned with property values in an area that is already becoming more densely populated.
James (37849), December 8, 2021 at 7:24 PM
I was born & raised here on bells camp ground seen alot of things on this property good & bad! Don’t want all traffic up & down the road! I vote NO! You have to hold your breath when you pull out of the driveway now! Thanks!
Robert (37849), December 8, 2021 at 6:22 PM
I was never notified of this rezone request as I think I should have been since this property joins mine. I heard about it through my close neighbors.My property would be highly impacted due to runoff. Our roads in the neighborhood are already overly crowded. Rezoning of this property would destroy for the most part what is a nice neighborhood. All due to GREED! I request denial of rezone for the good of this neighborhood.
Haley (37849), December 9, 2021 at 9:40 AM
There is little information publicly available on the purpose of this request. I would just ask the planning commissioners to carefully consider this case, and to bear in mind that there are schools, parks, and neighborhood children nearby. Also, there are many actively suffering from poverty and addiction on Old Clinton Pike, and there are many recovering addicts living in this residential area on Bells Campground. If this request is meant to aid in drug recovery, please make wise judgements about the people who will be running the facility. I know nothing of them, and don’t mean to make any implications. As a concerned resident, I simply ask for very prudent consideration on this matter. Sadly there is a stigma involved with so called "halfway housing." All too often, these well intentioned efforts end up doing more harm than good for all parties involved. My prayers are with you all, and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. 
Leland (37849), December 9, 2021 at 12:20 PM

I've talked to several around the area, we all think this is a terrible idea. Increased traffic flow is something we don't want to have to deal with. The area is quiet and is mostly filled with older folks, that just doesn't want to have to deal with the headache. The risk of the type of people that could take up the space outweighs the positives. Theft, drugs, crime, in our area will not be tolerated. Not saying, that will 100% be the case, but you just don't know who will move in.