July 11, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Wanda (37920), December 30, 2023 at 7:01 PM
My name is Wanda Julian. I live in the Dry Hollow Community/Highland View area in South Knoxville. I am a retired RN and have lived in this area 70 + years. I am invested in preserving our community as the rural, natural area it has been for many years. I want to make it clear that I am not opposed to new growth and developments. I just want to see it done in a reasonable and responsible manner. And what is being done and proposed in this area of South Knoxville is neither reasonable nor responsible.

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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:14 AM
I’m writing today to voice my strong objection to Thunder Mountain Properties’ request for rezoning and amending the Sector Plan.
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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:21 AM
I strongly oppose this request. The density is too high - as it will surely be "clustered" in flat areas of the parcel. We do not want to see the same low standards and inappropriate projects recently approved and built in South Knox. See attached letter. Thank you.
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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:22 AM
Sewer expansion???? Sports Complex???? Please see attached regarding questions about this property. Thank you.
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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:24 AM
Do we really have un-met, pent-up demand for housing and commercial space? I did a quick inventory in our immediate area. See attachment below... My question is – are these current requests for rezoning and sector plan changes needed? Are they of some great benefit to our community?
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Joseph (37920), June 18, 2024 at 9:18 AM
Thank you for considering my comments related to this rezoning request. Housing developments on John Sevier are currently going in at a fast pace, yet the infrastructure is not keeping up pace. This redevelopment request would place potentially 120 duplexes with access directly to John Sevier Hwy, adding to the difficulty already of traversing the road from current developments. I would ask that the Planning Commission consider requirements such as a traffic light to assist controlling the flow of traffic or requiring the developer to make the entrance off of Dick Ford Ln so that the traffic is funneled to a smaller feeder road rather than straight onto the highway.
Jennifer (37920), June 29, 2024 at 11:45 AM
South Knoxville is a beautiful place. The residents of this community are generational families that love the area. As other parts of Knoxville have become over developed and land has run out, big developers have turned their eyes to our peaceful town. The constant rezoning of South Knoxville is unwanted by residents. Allowing apartments, subdivisions and homes by the hundreds ruins what makes this area special. Not to mention we do not have the infrastructure to support that kind of growth. Bower Field is a staple of our community. It is beloved and well fostered by the residents. It is evident that change is unwanted. Stop the rezoning. Keep South Knox rural. Put the people first.
Candy (37920), July 2, 2024 at 12:32 PM

We have lived together, worked together, played together, and prayed together for generations. Our hopes and prayers are that we are allowed to continue to do so for generations to come, and that you stop this rezoning request

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Tom/Sharon (37920), July 5, 2024 at 5:50 PM
We ask that you reconsider the rezoning that will increase from 3 du/ac to 7 du/ac for this project, considering the congestion, visual clutter and pollution that number of units will create along an already dangerous highway, the burden on infrastructure, the degradation of the environment and the complete lack of understanding of community by Planning. Development sprawl -- the term planned growth is a misnomer at best -- is afoot east, west, north and south along this supposed scenic corridor. The rural character and scenic qualities of Gov. John Sevier Highway are memories, stripped away by razed forests and cookie cutter, overpriced "housing" of the most obscene design. A simple reading of the description of the proposed units translates to apartments, marketed as villas, townhouses, condos. A duck is a duck. The 3 du/ac is more acceptable and more in keeping with the character of our South Knox County community, however, clearly not as profitable for the developer. Thank you for considering our comments.
Tom/Sharon (37920), July 5, 2024 at 5:53 PM
This entire proposal is such a mess, so convoluted and divisive to the community, we ask that it be tabled and never returned to the agenda. Thank you.
Tom/Sharon (37920), July 5, 2024 at 5:56 PM
We ask that this plan amendment as well as the rezoning request be tabled and never returned to the agenda. This proposal has created such turmoil in the community, is clearly not in keeping with the rural nature of the community and is as convoluted as any plan that's ever come before planning. Thank you.
Tom/Sharon (37920), July 5, 2024 at 6:42 PM
We ask that you deny this rezoning request for 12 du/ac and, in fact, ask that you reduce the Planning staff recommendation of 8 du/ac to at least 5 du/ac. To a larger point, this entire agenda -- not just this proposal -- reads like the manic fervor of the gold rushes in California and Alaska between 1848-1907, only this time the nugget diggers/developers are seeking greenbacks by bulldozing every tree and acre of dirt they can grab up to construct overpriced housing that will over time reflect the shame of this time. None of the projects on this agenda will produce "affordable housing." What they will produce are congestion, pollution and failing infrastructures. Water, gas and electricity providers are stressed to meet the demands in the county now. Law enforcement is understaffed and broadcast so thinly that a 9-1-1 call is like throwing darts at a board. Emergency transport (ambulances) can't meet response times, and fire protection is by subscription that many can't afford and so diffused as to be ineffective. We ask that you consider some of these issues as you make your decisions. Thank you.
John (37920), July 6, 2024 at 4:08 PM
I am not in favor of this. There is too much traffic on Sevierville Pike as it is. Sevierville Pike should be a residential area, not a subdivision area.
Margie (37920), July 7, 2024 at 6:59 PM
Case 7-W-24-RZ, Item 20 on the July 11 agenda, proposes 5 du/acre on 23+/- acres in a rural area on a parcel that is currently zoned agricultural. The address of the parcel is given as 8802 Sevierville Pike, which is currently the subject of a lawsuit seeking to overturn previous rezoning and sector plan changes. No additional actions should be taken until the current case is resolved. The Parcel sits at the corner of Evans Road and Sevierville Pike. (see details below from case file). Action on this item should be postponed.
Dawn (37920), July 7, 2024 at 7:03 PM
We are opposed to rezoning. Please see attached. Thank you for your consideration.
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Dawn (37920), July 7, 2024 at 7:12 PM
This Evans Rd Property is completely Unsuitable for building homes. Please see attached for bullet points why rezoning should be denied. Thank you.
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Sandra (37920), July 8, 2024 at 2:06 PM
The utility easement area/stream to the south east supports a wide variety of wildlife - birds, squirrels, skunks, deer, and even turkey are often observed from my back yard. As noted, this easement area could and should reduce the proposed new construction from 10 acres to 7 acres; preserving the natural area.
Bradley (37920), July 9, 2024 at 8:26 AM
Please see the attached petition including over 1000 signatures of our community who are against this rezoning by Thunder Mountain. We want the ball park completed before this property is rezoned because they have donated unusable land to rebuild this park on.
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Jessica (37920), July 9, 2024 at 11:25 AM
The Hillside Protection Ordinance was put in place with a great deal of public comment and compromise. As the developable land inside the city limits dwindles, more and more of these hillside variances will be requested in places such as South Knoxville, where I've lived for the past 20 years. We are facing a great deal of development pressure, as is the entire city, and much of the heavily sloped land relies on the Ordinance for protection from canopy loss and stormwater problems. Precedent is important, and we have to be very vigilant to protect the integrity of the Hillside Protection Ordinance so development does not degrade the environment and burden other property owners and residents. Mature trees are part of our infrastructure and should be valued as such. I respectfully ask that you deny this variance request as the owner is not suffering a hardship.