July 11, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

X DateX ZIP Code
David (37933), June 4, 2024 at 2:09 PM
As a resident of Concord Village we take great pride in living here and work hard to maintain the historical preservation of this county treasure. After having reviewed the proposal, I am writing to request this development be denied, or significantly modified as it would have a major negative effect on our community. This development is far too large for this space and better suited on Lovell Road or somewhere off of Pellissippi. The additional traffic backups and accidents, crime, noise and evasive lighting would be devastating, especially if allowed to be open 24/7. It would seem that a small office complex, bank, library, or multi use light retail area would fit in much better. Should the Staff/Commission be of the opinion that the proposal be allowed to proceed, I ask it do so with the following stipulations: 1) The operating hours be no more than 6a-10p. 2) The setback be at least 75 feet. 3) No traffic be allowed to exit onto Second Drive. and 4) Steps be taken to scale back this over sized development and address concerns of noise, lighting, traffic and crime. Thank you. Please see attached file.
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Jeanne (37933), June 12, 2024 at 1:45 PM
Please see attached document. Thank you, Jeanne Brykalski
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Marva (37933), July 3, 2024 at 11:17 AM
I am opposed to EZ Stop developing at this location on Concord Rd. It is not respectful to the surrounding neighborhood. I've seen the proposed drawings and it would be too large, noisy, and modern in concept. A smaller professional office building, dr office, or daycare would be more in line for this location. Having only one way into this property if one is traveling south on Concord Rd is a hazardous condition. Cars waiting to turn left will back up traffic in the left lane during busy times. Accidents will increase dramatically. Town of Farragut isn't allowing a left turn to be made at the other entrance so Second Drive is the only option but it is a very poor option being so close to the roundabout. Please do not approve EZ Stop development!
Marva (37933), July 3, 2024 at 12:02 PM
"5.38.04. Building size regulations.
A. No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
B. No individual building or commercial establishment shall have a floor area exceeding five thousand (5,000) square feet"€
This has been copied directly from Knox County requirements for zoning at this location. The proposed EZ Stop is not in line with Knox County building size regulations. The proposed total square footage is over 7000 sq feet. The developer is attempting to skirt this issue by building a fire wall between the restaurant and market spaces. This should not be allowed to happen! If the developer wants us all to think there are two separate buildings then he should be made to have each have separate restroom facilities, separate roofing systems, separate everything! Do not allow this developer to cut corners! Better yet, do not allow EZ Stop to be built at this location!