August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

X DateX ZIP Code
Bekah (37849), July 27, 2024 at 12:51 PM
We live across the street from here and absolutely do not want this. That would be 4 additional families packed into one lot. The one lane road can't handle the additional traffic. This sounds just like a builder trying to make money that won't even be living here. Ruining our neighborhood. Renters in and out
Carole Lee
Carole Lee (37849), August 5, 2024 at 10:56 AM
We don't want duplexes in our neighborhood. Our street is a 1/2 mile long, single lane, dead end street. It can not handle any more traffic. It's sad that this lot was carved up and sold. All the lots on Verton Drive are approximately 2 acres. That was the appeal of buying a home on this street. If this developer is allowed to build 2 duplexes on this parcel, they will be taking everything from us. Are home is located directly across the very narrow street where these proposed duplexes will be built.
William (37849), August 5, 2024 at 11:01 AM
Josh (37849), August 5, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Approximately 6years ago when I purchased my home I made my purchase based on the fact that the houses were spread apart so and no one could build behind me due to single family homes and privacy. All property on this road are single family homes per lot that are NOT COMMERCIAL. Due to traffic and safety problems I do NOT want these duplexes in my neighborhood.
Gail (37849), August 5, 2024 at 11:42 PM
My husband and I have lived on this road 44 years. It is a narrow dead end road. Two cars cannot pass without one car getting in someone's yard. We have several children that ride their bikes on our little street and moms pushing their baby strollers. Even us old people like to ride our golf cart up our road. These two story duplexes don't fit into our neighborhood. We wouldn't feel safe with people moving in and out frequently.
Rachel (37849), August 6, 2024 at 4:26 PM
My family and I DO NOT WANT rental duplexes on our street. I have lived on Verton Dr. since 1993 (31 years), at 3 separate addresses. My Grandparents owned the property at 115 Verton Dr. until their passing. They purchased it in 1953 (this is across the street from the property in question). I knew The Runions that lived at 112 Verton Dr. (property in question) until they passed. I knew the property was being "flipped," but never imagined that they would then attempt to subdivide that property and build duplexes, because that is not consistent with the surrounding land use. Verton Drive has always consisted of single family homes (some property has been used as agricultural land for farming, like my grandparents for example), and each home is situated on a minimum of 1 acre each. The road is a quiet, dead end road that is only wide enough for 1 car at a time, and will not support more traffic. Children ride their bikes in the street, adults walk their dogs, some families use golf carts on the street to visit with on another. NO duplexes!!
Sara (37849), August 6, 2024 at 9:38 PM
I do not agree with the building have two duplexes on our little dead end Road. I feel that the two-story duplexes will be an invasion of my families privacy as they will be alongside our fence looking into our backyard. I do not believe that our road can handle much more traffic as plenty of us like to walk up and down our road our kids ride bikes, play with neighborhood friends and walk our dogs. I do feel our children's safety is also at risk with renters In And Out. I also feel construction, will disrupt our lives and our commute in and out for work. Driving down this road and looking at all the single-family owned homes, the privacy with the lots and the kids playing is what helped me fall in love with my home and my neighborhood.
David (37849), August 7, 2024 at 12:09 AM
I feel like adding duplexes to our narrow dead end road would be a definite safety concern. Our road width is from 12"3' wide to 14"6' wide. There is four apartments at the very first of the road close to Central Avenue Pike but the road width from their parking lot is 17' to 20' wide and is the ONLY place where two cars can pass safely. There is around 20 children who live on our road that use this daily for biking and other activities.
Rachel (37849), August 7, 2024 at 1:31 PM
My family and I DO NOT want rental duplexes on Verton Drive. I have lived on this road for 31 years, and my family has owned land on the road since 1953 (my Grandparents owned the property directly across from the property in question until they passed). Duplexes are not consistent with the character of the road. Each home on this road is situated on a minimum of an acre, spread far apart from one another, and THAT is the appeal of the neighborhood. Allowing duplexes to be built in backyards will ruin the character and effect property values. Additionally, the road is quite narrow and a dead end, allowing only 1 car through at a time. If 2 cars are going opposite directions, they both have the passenger side wheels in someones yard. It is not meant for heavy traffic. Children ride bikes and people walk in the street. This is a rural neighborhood, and should stay that way! The developer requesting this will not have to live with the consequences, the residents WILL. Please vote NO.
Andrew (37849), August 7, 2024 at 5:19 PM
The property I have lived at for 9 years has been in my family since it was built by my grandfather in 1964. My mother grew up here, and I also grew up here as a kid. Regarding the building of duplexes on Verton Drive, I strongly oppose this new development, as this small and very narrow dead end road is not suitable *at all* for the influx of traffic that this would create on a regular basis (vehicles often cannot pass without one pulling off into the ditch). Pedestrians walk up and down frequently, including school kids walking to and from the bus stop. It is essentially a one lane road and would be a planning disaster for years to come for the existing residents.
Amy (37849), August 7, 2024 at 6:49 PM
The traffic in this area is already unmanageable. Putting a commercial building here would be devastating for the are and traffic.
Ashton (37849), Submitted during the meeting
I want to share my concern with the proposed building of duplexes on my street. The vast majority of homes on Verton Drive are single family homes, so adding two multi-family units seems unfitting. The idea of added traffic to an already busy street- not big enough for 2 vehicles to pass simultaneously- is concerning. Then there is the added inconvenience that I imagine construction of such a large project would cause. Children ride bikes, and families take walks along the road. I do not support the building of these homes on Verton Drive.
Submitted during the meeting