August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

X DateX ZIP Code
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM
The original plan was to disturb 67.7% of the hillside protection area. The revised plan proposes disturbing 81% of the hillside protection area - 3.6 acres more disturbance than is allowed in the hillside protection area. They have not changed the development layout - the streets, the number of units, etc. They are just requesting to grade it differently and disturb more of the hillside protection area. If we have a hillside protection plan, and then we just allow somebody to submit a request to exceed the disturbance area so they can fit in more units onto the entire parcel, well, why do we have a Hillside Protection Plan in the first place. Significant land has been graded across I-640 for Clear Springs Plantation - the neighborhood has suffered years of looking at red clay, previously good land that has been clear cut, graded, and machined into housing. We ask that you not approve this request to disturb more than the allowed HPA area. The applicant has relief - they can update their plans to build on just the area available to them.
Anita (37918), July 24, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Please see the attached comment.
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Joshua (37918), July 24, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Attached is a request for denial
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Scot (37918), July 24, 2024 at 9:19 PM
Can someone please tell us as good citizen of Knoxville, why are we being discomforted by a higher density property proposal, which surrounds both sides of one of the busiest fire stations in the city of Knoxville? If this higher density zoning proposal is allowed to exist, it will be destined to clog the arteries of roads that counter the very purpose of this fire department's existence. These hard working medics and firemen require low density housing to access and rescue the emergency needs of our voting residence, who depend on them in numerous ways, every single night and every single day. I am against the zoning for these properties to be changed from RN-1 to RN-4. I am also against these parcels of land being changed on the Sector Plan, One Year plan amendment from low density to medium density Residential. Thank you for your consideration.
Kasey (37918), July 24, 2024 at 11:18 PM
(Message is attached in Long Comment .pdf)
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Carlene (37918), July 25, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Please deny the Sector & One Year Plan requests to go from LDR to MDR and deny the request to rezone from RN-1 to RN-4. These requests are inconsistent with the criteria for One Year and Sector Plan amendments and inconsistent with the standards for granting a rezoning. There have been no changes in this area. There is no change in public policy that pertains to increasing residential intensity in or around the property. The area is developed with single-family homes and community serving institutions--school, fire hall, church and social service. The property is located on two-lane roads. The intersection is a 4-way stop. Current road conditions do not support an increase in land use density. The intersection of Jacksboro/Tazewell Pike is less than a mile away. That signalized intersection has signs prohibiting left turns during AM and PM rush hour.
Mattheson (37918), July 25, 2024 at 6:03 PM
Please see attached file.
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carlene (37918), August 5, 2024 at 6:43 PM
The Board of Fountain City Town Hall, Inc., asks that you approve the professional staff's recommendation, which is to approve a rezoning from RN-1 to RN-2 and to deny the Sector and One Year Plan amendments from LDR to MDR and to deny the request to rezone from RN-1 to RN-4. Thank you.
Kevin (37918), August 6, 2024 at 4:24 PM
The Knox Community Planning Alliance believes that CN Neighborhood Commercial would be a better fit for this. Please see the supporting comments.
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