October 3, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Jessica (37909), August 22, 2024 at 3:22 PM
Will this new development connect to Timbercrest in any way? We would rather it not. It will have it's own entrance, correct? The neighborhood would rather not connect to this development via Yosemite nor Lance Dr. A lot of woods will be sacrificed for these new homes.
Patricia (37909), August 22, 2024 at 5:29 PM
This plan will release too many cars into our neighborhood. It needs another exit to Lonas. The neighborhood park and pool are very close to the proposed exit on Lance, and it could add a lot of traffic in that area. Please, make them exit elsewhere, not at Lance and Yosemite.
Howell (37909), August 25, 2024 at 3:55 PM
Is this still per the original drawings that NO access will be from Farland Dr.? Is it just dividing the once big lots into small lots? We don't want a "cut through" for Timbercrest.
Howell (37909), September 2, 2024 at 5:58 PM
This is much different than the first time he asked for the subdivision. In the first one there was not much or any access to Farland and not all the way through to Timbercrest. As far as I can tell no one was consulted in the Far View Hills section on the road going all the way through to Timbercrest. It needs to be looked at better to see if there are any other way to access it. I am really concerned that there was no contact with Far View Hills Neighborhood.
Scott (37909), September 4, 2024 at 1:19 PM
Those of us on Farland Dr. strongly oppose having 22 homes placed on such a small parcel of land, along with a direct connection to Farland Dr. Especially not if there is a connection to Yosemite Trail and or Lance Dr; Farland is not designed to handle such an increase in traffic. I keep hearing from neighbors that the original plan was approved with 7 or so houses, with the condition that the connection of the development to Lonas Dr would be through Brentway Cir. Then it was "discovered" that Brentway was a private street, so then the entrance was pushed to Farland. If this is true, this was clearly a bait and switch to get approval from the city. Anyone who looks at a map will see that Brentway is a private street in an apartment complex.
Jordan (37909), September 6, 2024 at 9:05 AM
I live on Yosemite trail and this develop could drastically impact how busy our road will be. I would like to request a traffic study being conducted before any construction work begins. Thank you.
Brianne (37909), September 6, 2024 at 2:33 PM
I am writing to request that a thorough traffic study be done before this construction is allowed to proceed. As a resident of Yosemite Trail, adding 21 homes AND connecting the road to Farland Drive would cause an inconsiderable increase in traffic and make living on Yosemite Trail dangerous. I would have the planning commission ask the builder and landowner to only connect the new house for Farland Drive as they have much fewer houses than are already in the Timbercrest neighborhood. If that that is not possible than I please urge and and request an in-depth traffic study to be done before construction is allowed. Thank you for reading my plea.
Scott (37909), September 8, 2024 at 11:41 AM
Everything about this site plan is acceptable with the exception of the connection to Farland Dr. Please do not allow this connection to take place. Timbercrest is a stand alone neighborhood and should continue to be a stand alone neighborhood. No resident of Timbercrest will want the additional traffic that the conection would allow. The houses are an acceptable expansion, the connection is NOT.
Leslie (37909), September 8, 2024 at 1:40 PM
I do not mind the new neighborhood being build. I do however do not think think neighborhood should connect to the current Timbercrest neighborhood. It will cause too much traffic in the neighborhood making it unsafe for the current residents. People will use it was a way the cut though and avoid traffic. It will bring down the currently safe and quiet community.
Laura (37909), September 8, 2024 at 8:32 PM
Please refer to the attached letter for concerns.
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Michael (37909), September 9, 2024 at 7:43 AM
The area around the Timbercrest Pool is conserved as natural area. Any engineered water runoff zone adjacent to the pool natural area which cuts down trees won't be appropriate for the land or natural hydrology. The proposed house lots may be too small. Compute the average lot size and standard deviation of every lot in the Far View Hills and Timbercrest neighborhoods. Ensure that the proposed development has an average lot size within 5% of the existing lot sizes for these neighborhoods. This would be a fair, mathematically impartial standard for lot size.
Emilia (37909), September 9, 2024 at 9:27 AM
My husband, Jose March-Leuba, and I are the owners of the first lot in Bennett Place (see attached plan drawing) that will be directly affected by this development of the corner property in Broome Road. We will not tolerate disruption of our bordering vegetation (trees and shrubs) because that will negatively affect our property. We will also no tolerate noise at night and would like to have some assurance that this will not happen. Is it even legal to put so many town houses in such an small parcel? We oppose this development unless certain guarantees are provided. 
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Jessica (37909), September 9, 2024 at 10:54 AM
See attached letter from Timbercrest Neighborhood Association
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Polly (37909), September 10, 2024 at 10:10 AM
I would welcome an opportunity for the neighborhoods to work with the developer. That would have been best at an earlier stage. Both neighborhoods will have negative impact with the existing plan. Something to consider is splitting, mostly equally, the number of houses between the neighborhoods and not connecting the two neighbors, but leaving the number of houses the same. That is a suggested compromise that might be agreeable to most. It's always alarming when things are not discussed in advance and the notification from Planning didn't give neighborhoods enough time to properly get correct information. Thank you for your consideration for responsible growth for Knoxville.
Sofía (37909), September 11, 2024 at 8:30 AM
I am writing to express my strong concern regarding the proposed plans to chop down the woods adjacent to my property. I believe that preserving these woods is crucial for several reasons:
Environmental Impact: The woods provide significant ecological benefits, such as supporting local wildlife, improving air quality, and offering natural flood control. Their preservation is vital for maintaining these environmental functions.
Community Well-Being: These woods contribute to the quality of life in our community by offering recreational space, promoting mental well-being, and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the area.
Property Values: Natural green spaces like these can increase property values and attract individuals who value environmental conservation, benefiting the community economically.
Historical or Cultural Value: If applicable, the woods may have historical or cultural significance for our community, which would be worth preserving.
Alternative Solutions: I urge the committee to consider alternative plans that achieve the desired goals without requiring the destruction of these valuable woods.
I hope you will consider these points carefully and seek solutions that balance development needs with environmental and community interests. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Jonathan (37909), September 11, 2024 at 8:42 AM
I agree that a traffic study needs to be conducted as well as a land timber study. The amount of houses is also a big concern. The development will have a huge negative impact on the neighborhood.
Chris (37909), September 11, 2024 at 8:42 AM
Please see attached letter.
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Sherman (37909), September 11, 2024 at 8:45 AM
We have been Timbercrest home owners for over 60 years. Connecting Yosemite Trail and Farland Drive will result in a short cut through the heart of Timbercrest. It would change the character of Timbercrest, hurt property values, and be very disruptive to the well established peace and serenity of the area. There are already 3 access roads into Timbercrest. Timber Pass, Starmont Trail, and the Knoxville Racquet Club’s private driveway. We do not need a 4th road into this quiet neighborhood. We are not aware of any homeowner in Timbercrest or Farview Hills in favor of having these 2 roads connected.
Will (37909), September 11, 2024 at 9:27 AM
I understand the need for more housing but this proposed project is completely out of place compared to the surrounding neighborhoods. Entirely too many houses on small lots that don't fit in with the rest of the lots. Additionally, there is a lot of wildlife in those woods including coyotes, deer, all sorts of small mammals etc. that will be displaced because of this, has that been considered? Ultimately, we are destroying the beauty of this area that attracted so many to it in the first place by destroying the woods, there's already multiple development projects in this area why do we need another one?
Stephen (37909), September 11, 2024 at 9:49 AM
Please find letter attached
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Barry (37909), September 11, 2024 at 10:04 AM
I am a resident of Timbercrest neighborhood. I strongly oppose this development as currently proposed. My main objection is the proposed connection between Yosemite Trail and Farland Drive. This will provide a new corridor connecting, not only these two neighborhoods, but also other single- and multi-family developments further east, resulting in increased traffic by outsiders through our neighborhood. Our streets are heavily used by pedestrians and playing children. If the connection is considered essential for emergency access, I recommend a locked gate at the connection that can be opened only by emergency responders. In addition, the proposed site is steeply sloped and in an area of unstable soils. Additional studies (traffic, soil and geology) are needed to determine the "highest and best use" of this site. This development will do nothing to provide housing that is critically needed by low- and moderate-income people in our city.
Julio (37909), September 11, 2024 at 10:21 AM
As a neighbor of Timbercrest my concern is with the amount of homes planned. Ten homes with a good size plot for each, while conserving woodlands would be a better option. We purchased our home two years ago because of the appeal and community Timbercrest is. The homes have a great size yard for family activities and kids to play, the neighborhood is mostly sorrounded by woodlands which is amazing for noise pollution and the environment in general. The homes in Timbercrest, as do the ones in Far View Hills aren't exactly cookie cutter homes. They have their own "persona" which flows as a neighborhood. At the end of the day if a project goes forth it has to go forth with a serious look at large plots that eould allow for protection of some woods and give those potential families a yard for an improved quality of life. Contrary to the belief of many people, "lets just cram in as many homes as we can for profit" Homeowners want some distance, some privacy, some room. Knoxville has to be the standard bearer in doing things right, not falling for these proposals without taking more precautions in terms of environment, public safety and just the overall satisfaction of future residents. To circle back, growth is very important, but not while sacrificing woodlands, i know a proposal can be put forth that takes into consideration all factors. I hope that cool heads and a sound way forward prevail.
Daine (37909), September 11, 2024 at 10:59 AM
See attached for a letter from the Timbercrest Recreation Club (TRC aka the pool) to the planning commission
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Allison (37909), September 11, 2024 at 12:33 PM
Opposition Letter Attached
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Marsha (37909), September 11, 2024 at 1:34 PM
We have lived on Farland drive for 25 years we move there because of the quiet safe neighborhood. We have a variety of families that live in our neighborhood from Seniors to new families with small children families that have pets that all like to walk in the safe confines of our neighborhood. The Proposal for the homes being built in Timbercrest Farland Drive was not listed as an access area. What has changed? If there are 21 homes built in that area that will increase traffic on Farland Drive to no less than an additional 42 to 50 vehicles per day and that's just speaking of residence that will most likely have two cars for each home Farland Drive and Tonalea cannot handle that kind of traffic much less be a safe place for families to walk pets children and strollers or our seniors to feel safe walking. Why are these homes not being built in the same proportion as the other homes and lots in both of these subdivisions? I'm not an architect I'm also not a developer but why can there not be an easement of trees left between these additions and existing properties? I am not against growth but let's be reasonable let's look at this from a safety standpoint at the least not just profit margin. This plan needs reconsideration of what goes on this property we all have a common goal peace and safety for our families.
Megan (37909), September 11, 2024 at 2:16 PM
As a resident of Timbercrest neighborhood, I am concerned about the effect of the proposed construction on the green spaces and wildlife which are a primary reason why I sought to live in this community. I support the increase of affordable housing, but it must be done in a way that does not destroy the natural beauty and resources that make Knoxville such a wonderful place to live. My hope is that this developer will work with the residents of surrounding communities to meet their concerns about the destruction of the forested area and the increased traffic in the neighborhood.
Paul (37909), September 11, 2024 at 2:44 PM
I am concerned that the retention pond adjacent to the pool and playground will be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. It should be located as far away from that area as possible or if possible, eliminated.
Matthew (37909), September 11, 2024 at 2:47 PM
I am opposed to the current plan to connect our neighborhood roads to this new development. We have enough traffic from the Knoxville Raquet Club, Pilot Headquarters and City Hills Church already and exposing us to more new traffic from a new development would be devastating to the safety of our children and the integrity of our community established neighborhood. We deal with speeders and stop sign runners on a daily basis as it is and don’t need anymore safety concerns to our neighborhood.
Jackie (37909), September 11, 2024 at 5:24 PM
I've lived in Timbercrest for the majority of my life, it is beautiful and calm, there isn't a better place for midday walks with friends/family or even your pets. Its charm is the quiet suburban energy where ever you look. The beauty of our neighborhood is the community and the simplistic charm of it. The new development will turn Timbercrest into a drive-through littered with speed bumps and signs every which way. The greenery decorating the end of blocks will be infested with massive bulldozers followed by cut and paste manufactured plastic houses. In the end, the development of these houses will lead to a destruction of property and peace that Timbercrest has held for years.
Claudia (37909), September 11, 2024 at 5:35 PM
I address you, knowing that it is past the time you set for comment entries. However, I want to let you know that the construction of new expensive houses on the area where nature and animals can interact freely will cause an impact and devastation of their habitat. Not only that is what I want to address but safety, the construction will be really dangerous due to the area that is not completely flat. Also, the erosion and softness of its ground will put in danger new houses. You should reconsider these because there may be tons of claims against safety and damage concerns. What can be done? You can do walking trails that are nature friendly for the community. The construction also will damage the peace and quiet of the neighborhood for many months. We appreciate very much your time and attention!
Karen (37909), Submitted during the meeting
I am more in favor of townhouses than commercial development. I understand peoples concerns but something like a gas station or other in and out kind of market or store would be an eyesore and much more disruptive. I don't know if these will be for rent or purchase. Some nice landscaping would be nice so that they do not look barren or plain. I hope concerns can be adequately addressed. buyers often care for property more than renters but if a responsible management company can oversee it and sound issues are addressed it should be good.
Submitted during the meeting
Karen (37909), Submitted during the meeting
PS. We also discussed traffic patterns. The hill on Broome Rd. leading to Middlebrook is a blind hill and many people do drive too fast. Seems like a sign warning drivers to slow down would be advisable. Also if the entrance to the townhouses is just to the right of Middlebrook, drivers waiting to turn left into townhouses could be at risk from drivers who just turned right off Middlebrook. Hopefully all the Bennett place concerns were addressed. Sounds like protective barrier vegetation, soft lighting and traffic issues will be carefully considered.
Submitted during the meeting
Jerry (37909), September 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM
To Knoxville Planning Committee on the 9-C-24-C proposal to build 21 new houses and connect Yosemite trail to McFarland. I'm against the connecting of the roads, this would effect traffic flow through our neighborhood where our kids play and enjoy life. Like I said in my last comments to your board about any new developments in our wonderful city is to have sidewalks mandatory to help keep kid out of the roads, unless this committee "DOES NOT CARE ABOUT KIDS"? I also never received any sort of feedback from my last comments when you approved the last development off Lonas Road which is no more than a old horse and wagon road with no shoulders or sidewalks. I think you should at least have some sort of caned email to let the emailer know you received it. Please do not allow the 2 neighborhoods to be connected! Also do not allow all 21 houses to be build on the land, there are so many mature trees that would be destroyed and soil impact on the steep hillsides that could cause erosion problems and passably land slides due to soft soil. The trees are our best fried for keeping stable soil. Maybe they could build lesser houses and keep the soil stable!
Jamie (37909), September 16, 2024 at 10:10 AM
Development of the hillside on the pool side could detrimentally affect the sightline and seclusion of the area and possibly the structure of the foundation. The developer selling said land has a history of razing the area to bare dirt before building leaving not a single tree and his actions would not reflect the needed attention to the stability and appearance of the wooded area. Tree canopy has been shown to reduce temperatures by 10-15 deg on hot sunny days. Removing a tree canopy would not be helpful to the affected area.
Todd (37909), September 21, 2024 at 4:13 PM
I am happy to see a revised plan that only builds 4 homes at the end of Yosemite and no thru connection to Far View Hills. Our neighborhood has been self contained for over 50 years and that is one of the reasons we moved into the neighborhood.
Joe (37909), September 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM
I agree with the prior 33 comments about the proposal as it was before it was revised on 9/19/24 to revision 3. The revision 3 seems to me to address the most critical, in my opinion, issue of connecting Yosemite to Farland Drive, which I and most others do not want. It also addresses the number of houses added to Timbercrest by restricting that to 4 new homes. To me and speaking only for myself, if this 3rd revision is the final plan, then I can accept it without protest. Additional comments are in the appended ' Comments on Timbercrest Neighborhood construction.pdf' file.
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Harriet (37909), September 23, 2024 at 3:40 PM
The *barely* revised plan (from 9/17) does little to address major concerns of the two. most directly affected neighborhoods, Far View Hills and Timbercrest. The plan addresses one major concern -- the previously proposed connecting street has been eliminated. However, the new plan adds 4 homes to Timbercrest and 17 homes to Far View Hills -- thus it now simply shifts the burden of increased traffic and the resultant safety issues to Far View Hills, another residential neighborhood that also cannot handle this traffic. The plan also does nothing to address the environmental concerns, which are many and vitally important. The environmental concerns which have been detailed in other comments include (1) the high potential for soil slippage in this hilly area; (2) the devastating loss of trees that act as a soil stabilizer, improve air quality, act as a sound and privacy buffer, and provide a habitat to wildlife; and (3) the inclusion of retention ponds in areas that are of concern for the neighboring pool and properties. (1) and (2) seem contrary to both hillside and ridgetop protection and tree protection plans that have been adopted by the city. If these are not honored, what good do they do the city's residents? In addition, the number of houses should be reduced and more evenly divided between neighborhoods. The developer must address all of these concerns adequately before any plan is approved by the commission.
Synnove (37909), September 24, 2024 at 11:54 AM
While I understand the need for growth and development, I believe this plan would have several negative impacts on our community that should be carefully considered. Firstly, the addition of new homes would strain the existing infrastructure, including roads, utilities, and public services. This development would exacerbate traffic and reduce the quality of life for current residents. Secondly, preserving the character of our neighborhood is important. Timbercrest is known for its peaceful, close-knit atmosphere, and increasing housing density could significantly alter the sense of community we value. Lastly, I am concerned about the potential environmental impacts of new construction, such as loss of green spaces and increased pollution. Protecting the natural landscape and maintaining a balance between development and nature should be a priority. I respectfully request that the commission reconsider this proposal and explore alternative solutions that do not compromise the integrity of our neighborhood. Thank you for taking the time to review my concerns.
Andrew (37909), September 24, 2024 at 3:32 PM
The connection of Yosemite Trail and Farland Drive was apparently eliminated (in lieu of cul-de-sacs) in the latest (3rd) revison of the developer's plan, recently posted as an update on this website. In the last public meeting our community organizations held regarding this issue revision 3 was not published as a viable option. My understanding at the time was the commission was only considering the option to connect the roads and develop the land as proposed prior to option 3, having previously rejected a cul-de-sac option. There is a an expressed desire among many of my neighbors to stop all development on the hillside land in question. Options to conserve the current green-space buffer, hilltop stability, watershed integrity, and recreational options were discussed at our community meeting. I would like these options to be adequately explored by the commission, my community leaders and legal counsel. Maybe a solution benefiting all stake holders including the city, the county, the developers as well as the community could be found.
Scott (37909), September 24, 2024 at 4:36 PM
This new revision only addresses the connection between each neighborhood. As another commenter has pointed out, it does nothing to address the concerns over the environmental impact or the high risk of soil erosion / instability. The split of 4 houses to Yosemite Trail and 17 to Farland Dr is not acceptable, as it pushes all of the traffic and safety concerns onto Farland Dr. An even split between the two neighborhoods, and a reduction in total houses to address the soil erosion / stability concerns and traffic / safety concerns would be the fairest path forward to avoid negatively impacting the quality of life in both neighborhoods.
Cynthia (37909), September 25, 2024 at 2:36 PM
My Dad was at Parkview and that intersection is already crazy with traffic. Compromise.. less units... do not ask for these ridiculous changes and maybe try to fit in to the rest of the neighborhood. Just do like 15 and give these people some green space. This is on middlebrook.. a 4 lane highway. Easier to sell and rent when you have something nice to offer - not a crammed in lot. Go look at the townhouses on Sevier avenue all empty still.. and they have the river view.. but 3 story townhouses are not exactly what everyone wants to live in. Parkview didn't try to jam up the whole lot and make it less appealing and ruin its neighbors property. They were reasonable in their build. Deny this and make them redo it for the way West Hills has been working hard to keep the vibe going. :) imho. Yall can do better.