Historic Zoning Commission Recommends Approval Of Edgewood-Park City H-1 Expansion
An effort to expand the historic overlay district in the Parkridge neighborhood now has a new public meeting schedule following decisions made by the Historic Zoning Commission (HZC) at its Aug. 17 meeting.
HZC voted 6-1 that the proposed Edgewood-Park City H-1 expansion area is historically worthy of an H-1 Historic District Zoning Overlay. However, HZC postponed a vote on adopting the new guidelines for the entire district until the comments from the Aug. 17 meeting can be addressed and more input can be obtained.
The video of the three-hour meeting can be viewed on the Community Television website. From http://www.ctvknox.org/, go to the “LiveStream” section, click on “Mixed Local Government” and then on “HistZoning Aug1717.”
If HZC adopts the revised guidelines at its Sept. 21 meeting, the overlay proposals and guidelines will be heard at the Oct. 12 meeting of the Metropolitan Planning Commission (Planning). Planning will mail notices about the meeting to property owners in the target expansion area.
Planning’s recommendation, along with the earlier HZC recommendation, will be heard by City Council later this fall, perhaps as early as Nov. 7. City Council has the final say on zoning matters.
Any revisions to the guidelines will be posted online. The current design guidelines draft may be viewed here. All Planning documents related to the H1 overlay proposal are located at the Edgewood Park-City page, where upcoming meetings will be posted.
For more information, contact Kaye Graybeal at 215-3795 or kaye.graybeal@knoxmpc.org.