7-A-24-PA Elisha (37912), August 7, 2024 at 5:38 PM
Even though the applicant has changed their request to now just I-MU, approving this would still be ridiculous. Even just the permitted uses in I-MU would be utterly out of character for this location. The adjacent commercial properties are a hair salon, a veterinary clinic, a taqueria, and a small auto shop. The uses allowed under I-MU would make no sense in this location and greatly reduce the quality of life for all the people living nearby.
I'll reiterate from my last comment, this plot is directly across from a single-family home, and adjacent to an apartment complex. Allowing, say, a wholesale establishment at this property would be absurd, highly increase the rate of traffic (and Central Ave Pike is already an incredibly dangerous road, I see accidents happen all the time), and would cause lots of noise for the people living less than 100 feet away. There is no good reason to allow this rezoning to happen. Please deny this.
i am opposed to the project because of the increased traffic. this single residence was not designed for this amount of traffic going down melstone to merchants rd. there is a community pool half way down on melstone were is is always crowded on spring and summer months
9-E-24-RZ Chris (37912), October 10, 2024 at 11:04 PM
I think there should be a stipulation of having it rezoned that the owners put in place a plan for maintaining Parker Cemetery, which is at the SE corner of this property and currently in poor condition.
5-SC-24-C Patricia (37912), June 24, 2024 at 11:11 AM
In 2014 a developer submitted the use of Monterey Oaks 8.23 acres tract for 18 single-family detached lots, at a density of 2.19 du/ac. FILE #1-SB-14-C MPC stated that one of the (10) conditions for approval was: "Providing a geotechnical study prepared by a registered engineer for the proposed building sites for Lots 6-15, verifying that the subsurface is suitable for building construction. The geotechnical study must be submitted to the Knoxville Department of Engineering for review and approval prior to approval of a building permit for each lot." It was observed that the original developer (Camdun Realty LLC) dug out a large area within the now proposed duplex site as a dumping ground for dozens of large tree stumps, which were then buried. The decomposition of these stumps would make the ground unstable for the future of permanent buildings. It is critical for the safety and integrity of any structures that this area be deemed thoroughly safe. This major concern, as well as the previous runoff problems related to the slope of the acreage, must be given serious investigation before any building is permitted.
7-C-24-RZ Elisha (37912), June 26, 2024 at 7:03 PM
In Appendix B, Article 6, Section 1 of the city of Knoxville's Code of Ordinances, General Industrial Zoning Districts "allow for a range of general industrial uses", which may "[render] them incompatible with retail, service, or residential uses."
This lot is directly across Inskip Dr. from a single-family home, and literally adjacent to the Rand Sylvia apartment complex. I think that allowing this property to be rezoned from Neighborhood Commercial to General Industrial doesn't make any sense given the surrounding properties. The uses allowed by General Industrial zoning would absolutely affect the quality of life and the character of the surrounding community, and definitely impact the flow of traffic on Inskip Dr.
As a member of this community, I urge you to not approve this rezoning case.
9-E-24-RZ Brad (37912), August 29, 2024 at 12:10 PM
My name is Brad Dye and I live at 6211 Primus Road which is in relation to this proposed re-zoning. Please see my concerns below:
1. How would the traffic flow and infrastructure be routed to/from this proposed re-zoning area if they are planning on a multi-housing/family development? Currently, the infrastructure Northbound on Primus is not suited for a significant increase in traffic! Also, would they or do they intend to connect Northbound Primus to Wilbanks/Callahan Road making it a through road from Callahan to Murray Road? This would change everything with a huge increase in traffic and the flow especially when I-75 North or South is delayed due to accidents or construction! Do they plan an entry/exit from Keck Road also? That would be the more feasible entry/exit to a multi-family development.
2. What level of housing do they plan to put on this property? I am concerned with my property value and the potential for a decrease in value if not developed to help the property value in this area versus a lower income
development or HUD!
3. I am very concerned with an increased exposure to my property and the properties surrounding me which my neighbors are concerned also! Potentially, we could be looking at adding additional property security with gates/fencing to maintain our current level of privacy which will be costly!
Please respond accordingly!
Thank you, Brad Dye
Please see attached letter. A petition with 96 signatures of residents that this development would impact is attached in another comment. View Attachment
7-A-24-PA Shannon (37912), August 7, 2024 at 5:07 PM
This is NOT an industrial area! Think of the community members that live here and please vote no. Central Avenue Pike is dangerous enough with people flying down the street and the heavy traffic associated with industrial businesses will only make it worse. We don't want something that could be noisy or harmful. This is a growing area and labeling it as industrial will only hurt our growth. Please vote no.