July 11, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Kevin (37918), March 7, 2024 at 7:47 AM
Knox County Planning Alliance supports the staff recommendation to deny the similar use determination. The noise levels emitted from this type of use easily cross property boundaries and cause noise nuisance for adjacent properties. Since this similar use consideration would apply across the county, it would be allowed on any property zoned Agricultural. Look at the zoning map and you will quickly see how this use would create substantial conflicts. A similar use from a noise perspective could be a race track. Would we permit racetracks in all Agricultural zoned property in the county?
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 11:51 AM
The Knox Community Planning Alliance asks the Planning Commission to respect the Advance Knox process that resulted in the new comprehensive land use plan map that was adopted in April. New locations for Town Centers were actively and intentionally sought during the Advance Knox process. They are viewed as ideal ways to concentrate retail, residents, offices and recreation in a walkable area. The Town Center area in south Knox, on both sides of Chapman Highway, is an important element to the plan. The plan has an ction item to create incentives for more town center-style developments (action 4.3). We ask that you respect the plan and work that went into it, and not change it just a few months after it was adopted. Allow the new zoning districts to be created for this Town Center placetype (action 4.1). The request also changes Parks and Open Space placetype area to Commercial Mixed Use, and if this is removed, the closest recreational area would be French Memorial Park. KCPA requests that you deny the proposed sector plan amendment.
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 12:12 PM
The Knox Community Planning Alliance submits these comments: The proposed rezoning to CA is listed as Not related / appropriate to the Town Center Mixed-Use / Parks and Open Space placetypes that overlay the requested rezoning area. The legend specifies that  Not related / Appropriate means this zoning district is not consistent with the Future Land Use Map. This development is adjacent to existing residential uses and an existing cemetery, as well as proposed residential uses. CA does not require landscaping and permits large signs. Designs and uses commonly seen in the CA zone, including drive-thru restaurants and vehicle repair shops, results in noise and light trespass to adjacent properties that create a nuisance. Zones that require development plans, including the Town Center zone, would be more appropriate. KCPA emphasizes that they should be consistent with the Place Type and Zoning Chart in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The rezoning of land that Knox County currently leases for recreational facilities is difficult to understand, and KCPA does not support that. Finally, given the cumulative impact of rezonings in this area by a single developer, KCPA suggests that a Planned Development proposal for this property and all of the other properties owned by the applicant would benefit everybody: the community, county government, and the applicant. We encourage use of the Planned Development process available in the zoning ordinance.
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM
The original plan was to disturb 67.7% of the hillside protection area. The revised plan proposes disturbing 81% of the hillside protection area - 3.6 acres more disturbance than is allowed in the hillside protection area. They have not changed the development layout - the streets, the number of units, etc. They are just requesting to grade it differently and disturb more of the hillside protection area. If we have a hillside protection plan, and then we just allow somebody to submit a request to exceed the disturbance area so they can fit in more units onto the entire parcel, well, why do we have a Hillside Protection Plan in the first place. Significant land has been graded across I-640 for Clear Springs Plantation - the neighborhood has suffered years of looking at red clay, previously good land that has been clear cut, graded, and machined into housing. We ask that you not approve this request to disturb more than the allowed HPA area. The applicant has relief - they can update their plans to build on just the area available to them.
Kevin (37918), July 3, 2024 at 3:39 PM
Attached is my direct testimony about the impact of the noise and light from a convenience store with fueling pumps located in a CN zone of Knox County.
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Steve (37918), July 3, 2024 at 6:51 PM
I have concerns about drainage from this development. I want guarantees that there will be no additional uncontrolled water coming from this development.
Kevin (37918), July 7, 2024 at 2:13 PM
Attached is a Cumulative Impact summary for rezonings and uses on review approved from 2019 through this month in far south Knox County. Not including the requested 7-W-24-RZ, there have been rezonings and uses-on-review approved for: 1,061 units generating approximately 9,852 trips, covering 491 acres. The last graphic in the attachment depicts existing Agricultural, Forestry, and Vacant land that is being lost to these projects, and shows the significant changes to the South Knox land use environment.
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Kevin (37918), July 7, 2024 at 4:42 PM
The Neighborhood Commercial zone limits building size to floor areas that to not exceed 5,000 square feet (5.38.04.B). The intent of this is to have buildings that are at a residential neighborhood scale - to have development that is compatible with the character of an adjacent neighborhood. The applicant proposes a building of 7.715 sq ft - larger than the zoning ordinance allows. This is much larger than the ground floor area of most of the buildings in the Village of Concord. The Masonic Lodge has a ground floor area of about 2,800 sq ft. The closest residence, 1101 Church St, is approximately 1,300 sq ft. Concord Presbyterian, a contributing structure to the National Register District, is approximately 4,400 sq ft for the two buildings. The size of the proposed building is not in character to the adjacent neighborhood. The National Register nomination for the village identifies the massing of the buildings as a character defining feature of the district. The large commercial building impacts the integrity of the Village of Concord Historic District.
Adrienne (37918), July 8, 2024 at 10:08 PM
Please see the attached PDF with my case comments and pictures for reference. Thank you.
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Brenda (37918), July 9, 2024 at 11:38 AM
My Dad was the original person who approached the Bower family to start a program thru the Seymour Optimist Club that led to the community sports efforts for Bower Field. His name is on the 99-year lease. I know if Bill Hays had been standing there (died in 2011) yesterday at Mayor Jacobs announcement, he would have been satisfied that the ongoing program would not be canceled, and the youth for the past 66 years (since 1958) would still go forward on a better playing location with services continuing from Knox County Parks and Recreation.
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Brenda (37918), July 9, 2024 at 11:55 AM
My father, Bill Hays, is the person who approached the Bower Family to use the land on Chapman Highway for the purpose of starting youth sports in the community. Many people owe a debt of gratitude to the Seymour Optimist Club for their part in teaching sports, respect and comradery to the neighborhood of South Knoxville. He was awarded a plaque that has been removed from the ballpark. If the plaque hasn't been thrown away, our family would appreciate it's return. You can contact me at (865) 318-0671. Please see the photo attached of the plaque.
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Kevin (37918), July 9, 2024 at 4:20 PM
current Knox County noise ordinance attached
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Kevin (37918), July 9, 2024 at 4:58 PM
Please see attached letter regarding noise regulations for the proposed uses.
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Kevin (37918), July 10, 2024 at 12:00 PM
The applicant stated that the subject property is not next to the Historic Overlay zoning district, which is correct. However, the applicant failed to state that the subject property is ADJACENT TO the Concord Village Historic District boundary, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The historic district documentation is available at https://npgallery.nps.gov/AssetDetail/NRIS/87001888 I have attached the maps from KGIS showing the district boundaries in relation to this property, as well as the approved National Register nomination materials for the record.
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Steve (37918), July 10, 2024 at 12:09 PM
Photo of drainage from proposed development across Sharp property across my property on Fountain Gate Rd
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Adrienne (37918), July 10, 2024 at 2:08 PM
Please note the petition for FountainGate Subdivision via the link below. I have attached a list of signatures as well. Please note that the petition is not against the proposed development of four homes. Rather, the petition, and its signatures, request that the existing water issues be appropriately investigated, that proper water control measures be required at the development site so as not to further increase the water issues currently experienced by FountainGate residents, and that the county be prepared to correct any worsening that results due to the development. Thank you. https://www.change.org/p/stop-water-issues-in-fountaingate-subdivision
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Sue and David
Sue and David (37918), July 11, 2024 at 10:38 AM
will any damage to FountainHead lane due to construction be repaired?