Other Business


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve a trail riding facility for off-road motorized and non-motorized vehicles as a use permitted on review in the A (Agricultural) zone, subject to the locational and area regulations listed below. The Planning Commission may require additional operational restrictions or site improvements as part of the use on review process.

1) Trail riding facilities that allow motorized vehicles must have a minimum site area of 100 acres, according to the property assessor's ownership card or a survey provided by the applicant.
2) The site must have direct access to a collector or arterial road per the Major Road Plan.
3) Trails, staging areas, and parking lots must be no closer than 300 feet to a public park, school, church, hospital, sanitarium, residential zone, or land subdivided and restricted to residential use. The Planning Commission may reduce the setback for trails if it is shown that because of unique site characteristics, the reduced setback will not negatively impact adjacent properties.
4) The site must retain a rural character as determined by the Planning Commission during the use on review process.
5) No motorized trail riding is permissible between the hours of 7 pm and 9 am, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission during the use on review process. In no case shall motorized trail riding be permissible after 9 pm.



Property Info

Case Notes



Similar use determination for off-road trail riding for motorized vehicles and mountain bikes in the A (Agricultural) zone.

Property Information


Commission District 9

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve a trail riding facility for off-road motorized and non-motorized vehicles as a use permitted on review in the A (Agricultural) zone, subject to the locational and area regulations listed below. The Planning Commission may require additional operational restrictions or site improvements as part of the use on review process.

1) Trail riding facilities that allow motorized vehicles must have a minimum site area of 100 acres, according to the property assessor's ownership card or a survey provided by the applicant.
2) The site must have direct access to a collector or arterial road per the Major Road Plan.
3) Trails, staging areas, and parking lots must be no closer than 300 feet to a public park, school, church, hospital, sanitarium, residential zone, or land subdivided and restricted to residential use. The Planning Commission may reduce the setback for trails if it is shown that because of unique site characteristics, the reduced setback will not negatively impact adjacent properties.
4) The site must retain a rural character as determined by the Planning Commission during the use on review process.
5) No motorized trail riding is permissible between the hours of 7 pm and 9 am, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission during the use on review process. In no case shall motorized trail riding be permissible after 9 pm.


Staff Recommendation
Approve a trail riding facility for off-road motorized and non-motorized vehicles as a use permitted on review in the A (Agricultural) zone, subject to the locational and area regulations listed below. The Planning Commission may require additional operational restrictions or site improvements as part of the use on review process.

1) Trail riding facilities that allow motorized vehicles must have a minimum site area of 100 acres, according to the property assessor's ownership card or a survey provided by the applicant.
2) The site must have direct access to a collector or arterial road per the Major Road Plan.
3) Trails, staging areas, and parking lots must be no closer than 300 feet to a public park, school, church, hospital, sanitarium, residential zone, or land subdivided and restricted to residential use. The Planning Commission may reduce the setback for trails if it is shown that because of unique site characteristics, the reduced setback will not negatively impact adjacent properties.
4) The site must retain a rural character as determined by the Planning Commission during the use on review process.
5) No motorized trail riding is permissible between the hours of 7 pm and 9 am, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission during the use on review process. In no case shall motorized trail riding be permissible after 9 pm.

The Knox County Zoning Ordinance does not list motorized or non-motorized trail riding facility ("trail riding facility") use in any zone districts. The closest use classification is "automobile race tracks," which is a uses permitted on review in the I (Industrial) zone. While the two uses allow motorized vehicles on a closed circuit, the operations and impacts on the surrounding area differ.

Trail riding facilities are typically in rural areas and on properties large enough to accommodate miles of trail networks and significant buffers to adjacent properties. The A (Agricultural) zoning is the most appropriate for properties that fit this description. The uses with the most potential for adverse impacts in the A zone are listed as use permitted on review (Article 5.22.03), as Staff recommends for this request. See Exhibit D for the full list of the permitted uses and uses permitted on review in the A zone. A list of some of the uses is below:

(A) Aircraft landing fields, hangers and equipment.
(B) Sanitary landfill.
(J) Rifle ranges.
(K) Mining and mineral extraction.
(L) Demolition landfills.
(O) Private and commercial sports playing fields.
(P) Commercial mulching operations.
(R) Marinas.
(S) Indoor and outdoor paintball and airsoft ranges.
(V) Retail sales of agricultural products grown on site, or acquired elsewhere and then maintained on site.
(W) Rural retreats.

Many of the uses listed above have specific location criteria, area regulations, and performance standards, which can be considered in this similar use determination request. Staff used these to inform the locational and area regulations recommended. The basis for these is provided below.

1) Trail riding facilities that allow motorized vehicles must have a minimum site area of 100 acres, according to the property assessor's ownership card or a survey provided by the applicant.
Basis: The property has to be large enough to provide buffers to adjacent properties and have a trail network extensive enough to operate commercially. The "rural retreat" use has a minimum area of 50 acres when a facility has conference or banquet facilities.
2) The site must have direct access to a collector or arterial road per the Major Road Plan.
Basis: Many uses require access from a collector or arterial street, and some allow exceptions when the access road is a lower classification but is deemed acceptable by Knox County Engineering and Public Works and may require a traffic study. Staff recommend requiring access to collector or arterial roads because of the potential impact the use could have on unclassified roads.
3) Trails, staging areas, and parking lots must be no closer than 300 feet to a public park, school, church, hospital, sanitarium, residential zone, or land subdivided and restricted to residential use.
Basis: The mining and mineral extraction use requires a 300-ft setback for mining operations when adjacent to the listed uses. Staff recommends the same for this use because the impact from dust and noise could be similar.
4) The site must retain a rural character as determined by the Planning Commission during the use on review process.
Basis: Marinas are required to be developed in such a way as to preserve its natural character. Staff recommends a similar requirement to ensure a trail riding facility does not diminish the area's character.
5) No motorized trail riding is permissible between the hours of 7 pm and 9 am, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission during the use on review process. In no case shall motorized trail riding be permissible after 9 pm.
Basis: Many uses restrict the time of operation. The sanitary landfill use is only allowed to operate between 6 am - 7 pm on Monday - Saturday, and 12 pm - 6 pm on Sunday. The retail sales use is allowed between 7 am - 9 pm. The rural retreat use restricts amplified sounds outside between 9 pm - 9 am.

Patrick & Kimberly McGuire

Case History