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4 Ordinance Amendments


Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Consideration of amendments to the Knoxville City Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 17.3., Nonconforming Lot of Record, to clarify applicability to Article 4.6, Middle Housing Standards.


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Ordinance Amendment



Tree Board City of Knoxville

Consideration of amendments to the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance, Article 12, Landscape.


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R. Bentley Marlow

Consideration of an amendment to the Knoxville City Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 2.3 Definitions, to add a definition of "detached multi-family"; and to Article 4.1 Purpose Statements, to add or amend language regarding two-family dwellings, multifamily uses, and accessory dwelling units; Article 4.3 Dimensional Standards, Addition of "small lots of record" under A.; Article 4.3, Table 4-1 Residential Districts Dimensional Standards, to amend minimum front setbacks for RN-2 zoning district and interior side setbacks for multiple districts.


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Designated to be Automatically Withdrawn


City of Knoxville

Consideration of amendments to the Knoxville City Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 2.3, Definitions; Article 2.4, Rules of Measurement; Article 4.3, Dimensional Standards; Article 4.4, EN District Standards; Article 9.3.J, Principle Use Standards for Two-Family Dwellings; and addings subsection G and H to Article 10.1, General Development Requirements to add standards for flag lots and multiple lots using access easements.


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