Active Cases | Design Review Board

Design Review Board
Active Cases


131 S. Gay St.
Level 1: Sign
Meeting Date
July 17, 2024


New Primary Structure
1510 Texas Ave.
Meeting Date
July 17, 2024

Actions from the June 2024, meeting

4-D-24-DT Approve subject to conditions

APPROVE Certificate 4-D-24-DT, subject to the following conditions:

1) Final site plan, pedestrian improvements, and parking garage to meet City Engineering standards;
2) Final landscaping plan to meet standards of City zoning code;
3) Any mechanical equipment or service utilities not shown on plans to be placed on secondary elevations and receive screening as necessary;
4) Signage to return to DRB as a separate application;
5) Final material specifications for parking garage screening to be submitted to staff for review and approval.

6-A-24-DT Approve as requested

APPROVE 6-A-24-DT as submitted.

6-C-24-IH Approved With Conditions

APPROVE Certificate 6-C-24-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) revisions to façade windows to incorporate double-hung windows or other window styles compatible with the guidelines.

6-D-24-IH Approved With Conditions

APPROVE Certificate 6-D-24-IH, subject to one condition: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards.

6-E-24-IH Approved With Conditions

APPROVE Certificate 6-E-24-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Final site plan to meet City Engineering standards;
2) Final site plan to include a walkway from the door to the sidewalk and one tree each in the front and rear yards;
3) Exterior chimney to be clad in brick or omitted.

6-C-24-IH Approved With Conditions

APPROVE Certificate 6-C-24-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) revisions to façade windows to incorporate double-hung windows or other window styles compatible with the guidelines.

6-D-24-IH Approved With Conditions

APPROVE Certificate 6-D-24-IH, subject to one condition: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards.

6-E-24-IH Approved With Conditions

APPROVE Certificate 6-E-24-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Final site plan to meet City Engineering standards;
2) Final site plan to include a walkway from the door to the sidewalk and one tree each in the front and rear yards;
3) Exterior chimney to be clad in brick or omitted.