March 13, 2025
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

9 Comments for
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John (37931), July 25, 2023 at 5:38 PM
I am fully in support of these changes. Far too often variances are required to rebuild identically to the surrounding houses and neighborhood. The current zoning ordinance is designed for larger .25 acre lots and is not consistent with the fact that most older neighborhoods have 50' widths. There has been substantial investment and vetting of these changes through the "missing middle study", but unfortunately none of them have been implemented yet. Building more homes is the only solution to the housing crisis we face.
Sarah (37931), January 11, 2024 at 12:59 PM
Hello, I am the daughter of a resident who lives in Gettysvue, and I wanted to show my support in standing against the condos attempting to be built. Not only is this completely unreasonable considering the amount of traffic it will bring to the neighborhood, it is outright dangerous. There are currently no sidewalks in Gettysvue, which is a problem in itself that will be heavily exacerbated by additional housing. There’s already too many cars parked in the street on the side of the road, and when this is coupled with cars not following the speed limit you have cars swerving out of their lanes almost hitting pedestrians. I fear if condos are built someone will get hurt. If these condos connected to a main road it would be one thing, but these condos are going INSIDE a neighborhood, adding additional traffic. Please don’t build these condos, the only reason I can think these are being built is pure greed and financial gain, obviously the people of this neighborhood don’t want them here.
Jeffrey (37931), February 6, 2024 at 8:18 AM
I have read the staff report that recommends denial for this case. I believe this denial recommendation to be arbitrary as there is sufficient density left on the overall development to allow this proposed development. This parcel was also noted to be developed as villas on the original approved plans. This plan is also not substantially different than the condos that are being built along Linksview Drive. In my opinion, there is not a legal reason to deny the development of this property and therefore should be approved.
Ryan (37931), June 21, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Byington Beaver Ridge Rd is a narrow 2 lane State Route and last year saw an average daily traffic count of 9,630 cars. It's 35 mph posted limit is routinely disregarded substantially and has been the host of multiple fatal traffic accidents. You will show NO DUE REGARD to the safety of current residents if you shoehorn 21 additional lots into a backyard and call it a subdivision. There is no infrastructure to support such lunacy. The proposal should be laughed out of the room. The lot has VERY little road frontage (just barely 200'), and it would be an engineering marvel to add the required access road to feed a new subdivision of 21 additional lots where there is just barely room for one driveway. Because of old growth trees, typical to the original home construction, traffic visibility is poor and would be a recipe for disastrously bad crashes. The current utilities are NOT adequate, as there are constant outages and repairs on the water mains which are stressed by capacity and age. The developer has turned this formerly beautiful lot into an eyesore and a landfill, growing a bumper crop of old appliances, garbage, and construction debris for almost 2 years now. Please don't allow developer greed to rule this decision, please take into account the safety of the current residents on this road. Please make the right choice and deny this proposal.
Ryan (37931), June 21, 2024 at 9:31 PM
Byington Beaver Ridge Rd is a narrow 2 lane State Route and last year saw an average daily traffic count of 9,630 cars. It's 35 mph posted limit is routinely disregarded substantially and has been the host of multiple fatal traffic accidents. You will show NO DUE REGARD to the safety of current residents if you shoehorn 21 additional lots into a backyard and call it a subdivision. There is no infrastructure to support such lunacy. The proposal should be laughed out of the room. The lot has VERY little road frontage (just barely 200'), and it would be an engineering marvel to add the required access road to feed a new subdivision of 21 additional lots where there is just barely room for one driveway. Because of old growth trees, typical to the original home construction, traffic visibility is poor and would be a recipe for disastrously bad crashes. The current utilities are NOT adequate, as there are constant outages and repairs on the water mains which are stressed by capacity and age. The developer has turned this formerly beautiful lot into an eyesore and a landfill, growing a bumper crop of old appliances, garbage, and construction debris for almost 2 years now. Please don't allow developer greed to rule this decision, please take into account the safety of the current residents on this road. Please make the right choice and deny this proposal.
John (37931), July 1, 2024 at 4:58 PM
To build anything on this poor road will be insane. Traffic behavior well exceeds the 35 mph speed and trucks are lined up at least a half mile from the RR tunnel in the afternoon time slot There have been multiple fatal accidents in the 14 years I have lived here. To enter or leave the intersection of Hodge Rd. is almost impossible in the early and evening drive time hours. To build an entrance for this subdivision on this property where there is already an existing home having the front next to the main road is the most ridiculous idea I have ever witnessed. Please for the sake of taxpayers and residents of this area that call it home, please deny this application and tell the developers to take their money elsewhere !
Cynthia (37931), August 9, 2024 at 8:08 PM
The posted speed limit on Byington Beaver Ridge Road is 35, but 45-50 is normal. Pulling out onto this road is dangerous enough for the existing residents on this section of road, but to add 18 homes (which according to the estimated daily traffic impact is 219 trips Mon-Fri only) using one entrance/exit to do it is reckless. There have been multiple deaths on this road, not to mention wrecks without fatal injury in recent years. Slowing down to pull into your driveway is dangerous, and you risk your life every time you pull out. People either speed and don't pay attention or sit in stand-still traffic due to the backup from the underpass. The water main has broken twice in the 4 years we have lived here, and the additional strain of 18 new homes? A recipe for disaster. With any heavy rain, there is standing water on the road directly in front of the property. Also, adding a road that crosses a natural drainage path behind the existing house (and multiple existing houses on that side of the street) poses a serious concern. They have conveniently tidied up the property before each of the hearings before the planning commission, but during the drawn out year and a half renovation to the existing home, the property has been an eyesore and a complete disaster. I cannot imagine how they will manage the construction of 18 new homes and the chaos that will bring for many years to come. The location of this project is a tremendously bad idea.
Thomas (37931), February 12, 2025 at 12:58 PM
I do not oppose the change in plan designation for both parcels to TN. However, I am against the proposed zoning change to RB for several reasons. First, the estimated traffic impact is likely too high, especially during weekday mornings and afternoons given the current access to Gray Hendrix Road. This road has a sharp downhill curve in one direction and a stop sign at Oak Ridge Highway only a short distance in the other direction, which raises safety concerns. Additionally, RB zoning would permit a density of dwelling units and potentially multistory/multifamily dwellings, which would not be compatible with the surrounding residential areas that are zoned Agricultural and RA. In my opinion, development under the existing Agricultural or RA zoning would be preferable and more compatible with the surrounding residential areas.
Charles & Patricia
Charles & Patricia (37931), March 3, 2025 at 6:14 PM
After receiving the post card in the mail today on the notice of planning commission public hearing, we looked up the request. After reviewing the public notice and community engagement form, the applicant, Chris Swindle, checked the block that he has engaged the surrounding property owners to discuss the request. We have not hear a word from anyone on the plans for the property adjacent to ours other than we have seen the signs at the front of the property on the public notice. We both work during the day and are unable to attend the planning commission public hearing. I'm sure none of the other neighbors in Crows Nest have heard from anyone as well. We would love to know what the plans are, if all the woods will be cleared and how close they plan on coming in on us. We have lived here for 25 peaceful years now with the woods adjacent to our property, we are very uncertain what the future holds next door and how it will affect us on a daily basis and our property values along with potential infrastructure issues.. Also, if the woods are cleared, where are all deer, turkeys and other wildlife suppose to go. On a daily basis, we will see at min. of 6 to 8 deer, up to 20-30 turkeys we have seen coming through the woods.

Concerned home owners, Charles and Patricia Haynes 8006 Ball Camp Pike