Ordinance Amendment


This decision has been appealed

by the Planning Commission

Tabled at the request of the applicant.

See case notes below



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Case Notes

Details of Action

Tabled at the request of the applicant.



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All districts

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Recommend denial of amendments as proposed to the City of Knoxville Zoning Code, Article 5.

As permitting for residential uses in the C-N zone occurs within Plans Review and Inspections, Planning staff do not evaluate residential development in this

Recommend denial of amendments as proposed to the City of Knoxville Zoning Code, Article 5.

As permitting for residential uses in the C-N zone occurs within Plans Review and Inspections, Planning staff do not evaluate residential development in this zone and further analysis would be needed from both departments. Additionally, setback reductions based on housing forms are incorporated into the City's proposed Middle Housing standards.
Disposition Summary
Tabled at the request of the applicant.
Details of Action
Tabled at the request of the applicant.

R. Bentley Marlow

Case History