Development Plan

Planning Commission



March 13, 2025 - Agenda Item No. 0Designated to be Automatically Withdrawn

Planning Staff Recommendation

Table the development plan as requested by the applicant.


Property Info

Case Notes

Applicant Request


Property Information


Northeast side of Gettysvue Dr, north of Polo Club Ln

Commission District 5

3.90 acres

Place Type Designation
LDR (Low Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection)

Currently on the Property
Private Recreation

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Staff Recommendation
Table the development plan as requested by the applicant.
This proposal is a 40-unit multi-dwelling development on 3.9 acres. There are two 3-story structures with 20 dwelling units in each building and 113 parking spaces, with 68 of the spaces located under the buildings. The tallest portion of Building 1 is 64 ft, and Building 2 is 66 ft, measured from the finished grade to the roof peak.

The subject property is owned by the developer of the Gettysvue subdivision and was proposed as "villas" on the original development plan. In 1999, a 60-unit multi-dwelling development was approved on this site with a similar design, except the buildings had a larger footprint and 30 units each (1-A-99-UR). In 2003, a new residential development with 19 attached houses was approved (10-D-03-UR), replacing the 1999 approval. In 2020, a 60-unit multi-dwelling development was proposed, which was very similar to the 1999 plan. The 2020 application was withdrawn.

Except for the reduction in the number of dwelling units, the main difference between the current proposal and the 1999 and 2020 plans is a reduction of the tallest portion of Building 1 from approximately 80 ft to 64 ft and rotating Building 1 ninety (90) degrees to an increase the setback to the north lot line from 17 ft to 122 ft.

Benjamin C Mullins

Case History