August 8, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

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Sarah (37923), May 18, 2024 at 11:26 PM
Please review the County Commission Mtg where the adjacent development of 0 Ebenezer was discussed to understand the precedent set for connectivity through existing neighborhoods. We can go 13 rounds over this issue again, but please… don’t make us.
Myra (37938), July 1, 2024 at 3:01 PM
Information is incorrect on Development Request re: Sewer and Water Provider. Application shows KUB, but is HPUD.
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM
The original plan was to disturb 67.7% of the hillside protection area. The revised plan proposes disturbing 81% of the hillside protection area - 3.6 acres more disturbance than is allowed in the hillside protection area. They have not changed the development layout - the streets, the number of units, etc. They are just requesting to grade it differently and disturb more of the hillside protection area. If we have a hillside protection plan, and then we just allow somebody to submit a request to exceed the disturbance area so they can fit in more units onto the entire parcel, well, why do we have a Hillside Protection Plan in the first place. Significant land has been graded across I-640 for Clear Springs Plantation - the neighborhood has suffered years of looking at red clay, previously good land that has been clear cut, graded, and machined into housing. We ask that you not approve this request to disturb more than the allowed HPA area. The applicant has relief - they can update their plans to build on just the area available to them.
Mary (37938), July 5, 2024 at 4:26 PM
My husband Carlos and I, own the property that borders the proposed property to be rezoned. My biggest concern is that the existing, concrete driveway, that accesses this property, is not a proper right-of-way. A main portion of the driveway is on our property as shown by our deed. In order for Tindall's to use the said property, they must establish access from their existing property. I also have issues with the noise. Even now, we are often awakened at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, by the company that empties the dumpsters.
William (37920), July 8, 2024 at 3:55 PM
The majority of Ginn Farm Drive is a very narrow road. Two cars cannot pass on this road between Ginnbrooke Lane and Maloney Road. This road cannot handle any more traffic brought on by any future development. The plot of land in question is on the ridgetop which means any traffic coming from that plot would be entering the road on a blind hill. This road is already a potential source of vehicle accidents due to the narrowness. Also, if it is currently zoned as a protected hillside/ridgetop that needs to be undeveloped due to potential erosion issues, I think it should remain protected. The potential buyers knew this designation before pursuing purchase of the property. Michael Wood, the current owner knew this designation when he purchased the property in 2018. He is a known realtor in the South Knox are for subdivision development and rental properties.
Jessica (37920), July 9, 2024 at 11:25 AM
The Hillside Protection Ordinance was put in place with a great deal of public comment and compromise. As the developable land inside the city limits dwindles, more and more of these hillside variances will be requested in places such as South Knoxville, where I've lived for the past 20 years. We are facing a great deal of development pressure, as is the entire city, and much of the heavily sloped land relies on the Ordinance for protection from canopy loss and stormwater problems. Precedent is important, and we have to be very vigilant to protect the integrity of the Hillside Protection Ordinance so development does not degrade the environment and burden other property owners and residents. Mature trees are part of our infrastructure and should be valued as such. I respectfully ask that you deny this variance request as the owner is not suffering a hardship.
Heather (37931), July 10, 2024 at 4:36 PM
Absolutely nothing else needs to go at this ridiculously busy intersection. The traffic is already a mess, the school is overcrowded, and it's right on the creek that tends to flood. It will hurt wildlife, traffic flow, and schools. Stop with the greed and make developers expand into other areas of Knox County, but responsibly. Karns failing infrastructure cannot handle any more developments.
Charlotte (37917), July 11, 2024 at 7:35 AM
We're opposed to the applicant's request to exceed the permitted disturbance as outlined in the Hillside Protection Ordinance. The request is unwarranted since development within the limit is attainable. Hillside Protection was put into place to preserve ecologically and structurally important features, including mature trees, and it's important that we uphold the guidelines agreed among in the ordinance. We request that the application to increase the disturbed area to 81% be denied.
Jessica (37920), July 12, 2024 at 4:01 PM
See attached letter from the City Tree Board.
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Jessica (37920), July 14, 2024 at 1:01 PM
Extremely concerned about the road width . Traffic is already an issue due to narrowness of road and potential ingress/egress to a proposed multi home development. On both sides of property in question are hills which create blind spots. Access to 129 has increased traffic on Ginn Farm Road.
Donna (37920), July 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM
I live in the neighborhood adjacent to the proposed building site for this proposed project. Ginn Farm Road is precariously narrow and cannot handle any additional traffic without a widening of the road. Additionally, I believe this property is in the county and not the city thus would not have city sewer service. I am told that the property in question would be too small for drain fields and septic tanks for 7 homes. It is my understanding that the homes on either side of the site in question both have septic tanks. Please do not approve this project.
Wayne (37902), July 17, 2024 at 1:24 PM
See attachment.
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Matthew (37938), July 19, 2024 at 3:03 PM
I am absolutely opposed to a development or multiple homes being built in this area. The planning commission needs to do their due diligence on this lot, the roadway is not conducive with save entry or exit and any restructuring of the roadway will drastically effect safety and usability of the neighborhood. I will be working to share this information with neighbors.
Susan (37938), July 19, 2024 at 6:19 PM
I am opposed to this plan to build more houses on this road. The road suffers enough water run off and has had some negative impact on our neighbors that are right on York and is apparent with the poor quality seen on the actual road. Further, we do not want to see an overdevelopment in this small area. There are surrounding subdivisions already and we do not need more to be built.
Jasmine (37938), July 19, 2024 at 7:51 PM
PDF Message Attached
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Walter (37938), July 20, 2024 at 9:01 AM
I vote against the refining efforts to build these houses so close to our sub- div. The water run off is already bad enough ! Thank you for your consideration.
William (37938), July 20, 2024 at 10:17 AM
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Ethan (37938), July 20, 2024 at 6:39 PM
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Dylan (37938), July 20, 2024 at 9:16 PM
The neighborhood as a whole is not interested in adding a duplex out side of our entrance. We fear this will drive our property down, among other issues we already deal with. Which include disrespectful renters, etc.
K (37938), July 21, 2024 at 6:26 AM
We are homeowners in the Wolf lair neighborhood. We are against any multi home properties.
Melani (37938), July 22, 2024 at 2:34 PM
We are homeowners in the Wolf lair neighborhood. We are against any multi home properties.
Darlene (37938), July 22, 2024 at 4:25 PM
I'm opposed to the rezoning of houses/duplexes on this case. This part of York is on a blind hill & could be extremely dangerous to residents. York road needs construction work done to it now. Traffic has increased a lot in just the past couple of years. Water crossing the road is another big problem. I've had that problems for years with it running into our driveway & it's really bad. The County has been out here a few times over this issue. So, again I am strongly against this rezoning at 4338 York Rd. Most of the residents around this rezoning have been here for decades.
Sarah (37923), July 22, 2024 at 10:03 PM
Can someone with Planning please address the copious concerns regarding Rand Partners common practices and management of properties? I have searched the web and online forums and have not found one positive review of this company. I have only found people requesting the city of Knoxville to boycott Rand Partners and for renters to avoid their properties at all costs. The fact that this is going un addressed is very concerning and shows a remarkable lack of concern on the behalf of city planners to works toward the improvement of East Knoxville. See thread:
Planning Staff
Planning Staff (37902), July 23, 2024 at 10:29 AM
Attached comments were submitted to the Design Review Board for case 4-D-24-DT prior to the item's approval on June 20, 2024. The item has been appealed to the Planning Commission as case 8-A-24-OB.
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Anita (37918), July 24, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Please see the attached comment.
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Joshua (37918), July 24, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Attached is a request for denial
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Scot (37918), July 24, 2024 at 9:19 PM
Can someone please tell us as good citizen of Knoxville, why are we being discomforted by a higher density property proposal, which surrounds both sides of one of the busiest fire stations in the city of Knoxville? If this higher density zoning proposal is allowed to exist, it will be destined to clog the arteries of roads that counter the very purpose of this fire department's existence. These hard working medics and firemen require low density housing to access and rescue the emergency needs of our voting residence, who depend on them in numerous ways, every single night and every single day. I am against the zoning for these properties to be changed from RN-1 to RN-4. I am also against these parcels of land being changed on the Sector Plan, One Year plan amendment from low density to medium density Residential. Thank you for your consideration.
Kasey (37918), July 24, 2024 at 11:18 PM
(Message is attached in Long Comment .pdf)
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Carlene (37918), July 25, 2024 at 11:37 AM
Please deny the Sector & One Year Plan requests to go from LDR to MDR and deny the request to rezone from RN-1 to RN-4. These requests are inconsistent with the criteria for One Year and Sector Plan amendments and inconsistent with the standards for granting a rezoning. There have been no changes in this area. There is no change in public policy that pertains to increasing residential intensity in or around the property. The area is developed with single-family homes and community serving institutions--school, fire hall, church and social service. The property is located on two-lane roads. The intersection is a 4-way stop. Current road conditions do not support an increase in land use density. The intersection of Jacksboro/Tazewell Pike is less than a mile away. That signalized intersection has signs prohibiting left turns during AM and PM rush hour.
Mattheson (37918), July 25, 2024 at 6:03 PM
Please see attached file.
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Hillary (37938), July 25, 2024 at 11:20 PM
I am strongly opposed to the rezoning in this case to add multiple houses and/or duplexes and/or apartments on this property. This part of York Rd is already neglected and in sad condition. The water run off alone keeps the road broken up and in bad shape. Also, this is not a safe place to add a driveway or road as it is on a blind hill. We do not want or need multiple homes added to our neighborhood.
Bekah (37849), July 27, 2024 at 12:51 PM
We live across the street from here and absolutely do not want this. That would be 4 additional families packed into one lot. The one lane road can't handle the additional traffic. This sounds just like a builder trying to make money that won't even be living here. Ruining our neighborhood. Renters in and out
Ann (37928), July 27, 2024 at 1:05 PM
I own the property that shares 2 of the property lines of the proposed rezoning from RN-1 to RN-4. I oppose this rezoning because of the potential 1) loss of reasonable quiet and private enjoyment of my home 2) added congestion to Rondo, the width of which doesn't adequately permit two cars to pass safely 3) Lack of sidewalks on Rondo, which could protect students that are potentially housed in the multi-family units 4) Incongruence with the character and history of Fountain City and our street in particular 5) Loss of property value. I wish for there to be no changes in the current use of either property. The dental/doctor's office is already in violation - actually grandfathered in for business use. The Essary property is a converted garage and the property is not large enough for any other use. Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.
Gail (37938), July 28, 2024 at 5:01 PM
We do not need any thing built there to make our homes less affordable. We don't need duplexes , condos or apartments there. We want to keep our home values good. Thanks
Marie (37924), July 29, 2024 at 7:01 AM
From watching a past Knox County planning commission meeting online. I understand there is Hillside Protection in the City of Knoxville. With Knox county Knox Planning makes the recommendation. I lived in area for 21 years. I saw what happened to Clear Springs Plantation. Homeowners thinking they are living behind trees and soon later learned all trees gone and now DR Horton comes in and builds house after house with no yard. Drainage issues, errosion issues, TDEC issues. Comes down to pure greed with developers. Knox county is getting to where we no longer have county. Stand up and do the right thing.
Wayne (37902), July 29, 2024 at 1:49 PM
Please see attached correspondence
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Tommy (37920), July 31, 2024 at 11:48 AM
Maybe they should leave it agricultural and save the hillside and trees. Maybe the owners shouldn't sell to dr Horton and maybe consider donating it to city of Knoxville for community garden ;) dr Horton has enough land in Knoxville Tn and has anyone read the reviews or asked the dr Horton home owners how much of a head ache dr Horton is to fix the new homes they build and sell to Knoxvillians! Many problems from dr Horton and greedy people in charge love to destroy the hillside protection. But who cares let's get money and down with all the trees and hillsides we all love they way Vegas looks nice and flat. Hopefully we can make Knoxville nice and flat! Yay to $330k to destroy the environment, let's go dr Horton stock diamond hands! P. S. Please allow dr Horton to destroy the trees and add more traffic to the blind curve and school zone and pollution in creek from construction, yes I can see the stock mooning now. What a joyful day! Thanks
Robert (37938), August 2, 2024 at 8:47 AM
Applicant comments with traffic flow map attached
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Taylor (37919), August 2, 2024 at 12:21 PM
Please find attached correspondence in support of the DRB's approval on the design plans for the Project on behalf of the applicant, Brock Hudgins Architects.
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Taylor (37919), August 2, 2024 at 12:26 PM
Attached are the Exhibits referenced in letter submitted on behalf of the DRB applicant, Brock Hudgins Architects. This attachments provides clearer renderings of the Exhibits.
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Gina (37931), August 4, 2024 at 10:09 PM
Nothing else needs to go at this bustling intersection. The traffic is already a mess, especially during the school year. The school continues to grow, and with additional homes being added to the area at an unprecedented rate, the infrastructure can't handle the already heavy growth. Save rural Karns & keep our kid's school route safe. Vote no to rezone this parcel.
Karina (37931), August 5, 2024 at 7:35 AM
The traffic at this intersection is a mess already for us the grt out of our subdivision takes for ever the incoming traffic from west emory towards traffic light does not gives us enough time to exit/enter our subdivision! We are NOT happy with the change of re zoning!!!! Getting our kids to school or going to work safe and on time is all we want No new business no more traffic
Benjamin (37902), August 5, 2024 at 10:18 AM
Applicant Correspondence
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Carole Lee
Carole Lee (37849), August 5, 2024 at 10:56 AM
We don't want duplexes in our neighborhood. Our street is a 1/2 mile long, single lane, dead end street. It can not handle any more traffic. It's sad that this lot was carved up and sold. All the lots on Verton Drive are approximately 2 acres. That was the appeal of buying a home on this street. If this developer is allowed to build 2 duplexes on this parcel, they will be taking everything from us. Are home is located directly across the very narrow street where these proposed duplexes will be built.
William (37849), August 5, 2024 at 11:01 AM
Daniel (37915), August 5, 2024 at 2:53 PM
Please see the attached correspondence. The Overlook Owners Association opposes this item due violation of numerous Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines. We urge the Planning Commission to deny the application.
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Jeff (37931), August 5, 2024 at 4:57 PM
Hardin Valley Planning Advocates requests that this be zoned CN Neighborhood Commercial. The requested property is surrounded by the Yarnell Farm, one of Hardin Valley's last remaining Century Farms. The requested CA zone does not have any landscape requirements or signage requirements. The CN zone has landscaping requirements; and permits smaller signs than CA. CN zoning is compatible with the historic Yarnell farm's agricultural and nearby residential uses.
carlene (37918), August 5, 2024 at 6:43 PM
The Board of Fountain City Town Hall, Inc., asks that you approve the professional staff's recommendation, which is to approve a rezoning from RN-1 to RN-2 and to deny the Sector and One Year Plan amendments from LDR to MDR and to deny the request to rezone from RN-1 to RN-4. Thank you.
Charles (Daniel)
Charles (Daniel) (37938), August 5, 2024 at 7:18 PM
I share a property line with this parcel and am definitely opposed to the rezoning request. This property is surrounded by single family homes and neighborhoods. Multifamily housing is not a fit for this area.
Josh (37849), August 5, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Approximately 6years ago when I purchased my home I made my purchase based on the fact that the houses were spread apart so and no one could build behind me due to single family homes and privacy. All property on this road are single family homes per lot that are NOT COMMERCIAL. Due to traffic and safety problems I do NOT want these duplexes in my neighborhood.
Chris (37938), August 5, 2024 at 10:26 PM
This could also be section 8 paid for rentals. So this happen,. We pay for it and put up with drug dealers as we do on Carr lane already at atleast 2 homes. It's much harder to keep this from happening now, then later. Increased traffic and increase in theft, traffic, home burglaries. This is a terrible idea for multi family structures. I oppose.
Gail (37849), August 5, 2024 at 11:42 PM
My husband and I have lived on this road 44 years. It is a narrow dead end road. Two cars cannot pass without one car getting in someone's yard. We have several children that ride their bikes on our little street and moms pushing their baby strollers. Even us old people like to ride our golf cart up our road. These two story duplexes don't fit into our neighborhood. We wouldn't feel safe with people moving in and out frequently.
Applicant Correspondence
August 6, 2024 at 9:29 AM
Please see the attached PDF copy of an email sent to Jessie Hillman, Amy Brooks, Lindsay Crockett, and Samiul Haque on Monday, 5 August 2024.
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Rebekah Jane
Rebekah Jane (37902), August 6, 2024 at 9:56 AM
The City Administration supports the Design Review Board's (DRB) unanimous vote for approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the case 4-D-24-DT, at the corner of Hill and Locust. The applicant has responded to recommendations and feedback from Knoxville Knox County Planning staff, members of the DRB, and a community meeting of adjacent neighbors in an initial workshop and three separate DRB meetings. Based on that input, design revisions were made specifically focusing on scale, massing, materiality, and pedestrian experience. We agree with and support the DRB decision for Certificate of Appropriateness and that the project meets the intent of the design guidelines.
Kim (37932), August 6, 2024 at 1:14 PM
see attached
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Christina (37921), August 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM
I live about two blocks away from this property. My personal opinion, having spent a decent bit of time studying Sanborn maps for the downtown area neighborhoods, is that the rezoning is consistent with local historic development patterns. Historic neighborhoods are dense neighborhoods.
Christina (37921), August 6, 2024 at 1:24 PM
I live about two blocks away from this property. My personal opinion, having spent a decent bit of time studying Sanborn maps for the downtown area neighborhoods, is that the rezoning is consistent with local historic development patterns. Historic neighborhoods are dense neighborhoods.
Barbara (37921), August 6, 2024 at 4:02 PM
I fully support Mr.Marlow's position. We (Knoxville) are experiencing a tremendous growth spurt at this time and housing is so scarce. This would be a real help to alleviate this shortage. People have finally begun see the incredible benefits our beautiful city has to offer. Let's grow Knoxville.
Barbara (37921), August 6, 2024 at 4:16 PM
Mr. Marlow's proposal is an excellent solution for Knoxville's currently extreme housing crisis. It would be a perfect use for the land available. The location is ideal for downtown workers and professionals. It is also ideal for students at the University. I believe it is only a twenty minute walk perfect for anyone. Cleaning up these units and restoring the neighborhood is a win for everyone.
Kevin (37918), August 6, 2024 at 4:24 PM
The Knox Community Planning Alliance believes that CN Neighborhood Commercial would be a better fit for this. Please see the supporting comments.
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Rachel (37849), August 6, 2024 at 4:26 PM
My family and I DO NOT WANT rental duplexes on our street. I have lived on Verton Dr. since 1993 (31 years), at 3 separate addresses. My Grandparents owned the property at 115 Verton Dr. until their passing. They purchased it in 1953 (this is across the street from the property in question). I knew The Runions that lived at 112 Verton Dr. (property in question) until they passed. I knew the property was being "flipped," but never imagined that they would then attempt to subdivide that property and build duplexes, because that is not consistent with the surrounding land use. Verton Drive has always consisted of single family homes (some property has been used as agricultural land for farming, like my grandparents for example), and each home is situated on a minimum of 1 acre each. The road is a quiet, dead end road that is only wide enough for 1 car at a time, and will not support more traffic. Children ride their bikes in the street, adults walk their dogs, some families use golf carts on the street to visit with on another. NO duplexes!!
Rosella ( 3792), August 6, 2024 at 4:39 PM
Yes I have lived on Douglas avenue ever since Jan 1997 and I have really enjoyed it and I have known Bentley Marlow been a wonderful business person and community leader and helping in every way that he can with different people he has helped me out a lot just being the guy that he is a great leader support person person to help in any way that he can and I think he should be the man for the job he have my vote and anything that it needs to be and I think and it's just wonderful to have someone like him around and I think he can do the job and the job well done be done right and I'll give him my all
Tammy (37921), August 6, 2024 at 6:38 PM
I own a property in the Mechanicsville neighborhood. I used to own another property on Deaderick Ave, just a few blocks from the property in this case. We had a ADU on our property on Deaderick Ave and so did our neighbor. I don't understand why his request is facing so much push back when there are precedent just a few blocks away. Reading Mr. Marlow email, it seems like he is trying to do the right thing. His proposal fill the gap for the missing middle. It also make sense for multigeneration household, something that is much more common then before. I would urge you to approve his request.
Tammy (37921), August 6, 2024 at 6:39 PM
I own a property in the Mechanicsville neighborhood. I used to own another property on Deaderick Ave, just a few blocks from the property in this case. We had a ADU on our property on Deaderick Ave and so did our neighbor. I don't understand why his request is facing so much push back when there are precedent just a few blocks away. Reading Mr. Marlow email, it seems like he is trying to do the right thing. His proposal fill the gap for the missing middle. It also make sense for multigeneration household, something that is much more common then before. I would urge you to approve his request.
Bradley (37921), August 6, 2024 at 8:50 PM
Our neighborhood board of directors voted to oppose the rezoning request at 1214 &1224 Callaway Street from RN-2 to RN-4. Please deny this request. Our reasons are as follows:

1. They do not meet the minimum lot area.

2. They do not meet the minimum lot width.

3. RN-2 already allows for higher intensity development with Middle Housing Types by right (Duplex for this lot).

4. RN-4 would be too intense for these small lots as it could hypothetically (with some variances) allow for an additional principal use or a more intense Middle Housing Type. The applicant has informed us that he intends to try to build two duplexes on each lot, one via conversion, and another in the rear of each lot.

5. The subject properties, while in a National Historic District that our organization shares, are not in a historic or design overlay. The applicant has shown designs that do not retain original materials, windows or unique characteristics that make these structures currently historically contributing. A renovation is unlikely to "save" the historic character except the building footprint.

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Bradley (37921), August 6, 2024 at 8:51 PM
Our neighborhood board of directors voted to oppose the rezoning request at 1214 &1224 Callaway Street from RN-2 to RN-4. Please deny this request. Our reasons are as follows:

1. They do not meet the minimum lot area.

2. They do not meet the minimum lot width.

3. RN-2 already allows for higher intensity development with Middle Housing Types by right (Duplex for this lot).

4. RN-4 would be too intense for these small lots as it could hypothetically (with some variances) allow for an additional principal use or a more intense Middle Housing Type. The applicant has informed us that he intends to try to build two duplexes on each lot, one via conversion, and another in the rear of each lot.

5. The subject properties, while in a National Historic District that our organization shares, are not in a historic or design overlay. The applicant has shown designs that do not retain original materials, windows or unique characteristics that make these structures currently historically contributing. A renovation is unlikely to "save" the historic character except the building footprint.

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Sara (37849), August 6, 2024 at 9:38 PM
I do not agree with the building have two duplexes on our little dead end Road. I feel that the two-story duplexes will be an invasion of my families privacy as they will be alongside our fence looking into our backyard. I do not believe that our road can handle much more traffic as plenty of us like to walk up and down our road our kids ride bikes, play with neighborhood friends and walk our dogs. I do feel our children's safety is also at risk with renters In And Out. I also feel construction, will disrupt our lives and our commute in and out for work. Driving down this road and looking at all the single-family owned homes, the privacy with the lots and the kids playing is what helped me fall in love with my home and my neighborhood.
David (37849), August 7, 2024 at 12:09 AM
I feel like adding duplexes to our narrow dead end road would be a definite safety concern. Our road width is from 12"3' wide to 14"6' wide. There is four apartments at the very first of the road close to Central Avenue Pike but the road width from their parking lot is 17' to 20' wide and is the ONLY place where two cars can pass safely. There is around 20 children who live on our road that use this daily for biking and other activities.
Nancy (37921), August 7, 2024 at 8:53 AM
I'm a homeowner and resident of Mechanicsville less than a block away. I am a supporter of Mr Marlow's redevelopment of my neighborhood. He has a history of saving and improving the old houses and making our neighborhood better. Please approve his request.€œ
Sasha (37921), August 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM
I live about a block away from this property. For years this property and those nearby have been rundown and abandoned. Mr Marlow has worked very hard throughout Mechanicsville restoring many old houses and building new ones on empty lots. These properties have been challenging for him because they are historically protected yet in terrible shape. In efforts to please those that want to preserve the old houses he's found away to make it work but he needs to be able to build a tiny duplex in the backyard next to the alley. I had no idea something as simple as that would require as much paperwork and approvals as the city is making him do. This doesn't seem difficult to those of us who live here--save the historic house, save the mature tree, build a garage apartment to increase housing stock. That's a lot of winning. I urge you to approve this proposal. It's something the neighborhood supports and very much wants.
John (37931), August 7, 2024 at 9:14 AM
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Justin (37921), August 7, 2024 at 9:16 AM
I'm a homeowner and resident of Mechanicsville less than a block away. I am a supporter of Mr Marlow's redevelopment the area. No one has worked as hard nor as long to preserve, improve, and cleanup Mechanicsville. Please approve his request.œ
Justin (37921), August 7, 2024 at 9:17 AM
I'm a homeowner and resident of Mechanicsville less than a block away. I am a supporter of Mr Marlow's redevelopment the area. No one has worked as hard nor as long to preserve, improve, and cleanup Mechanicsville. Please approve his request. 
Keith ( 3791), August 7, 2024 at 9:19 AM
I support this zoning as it will allow the preservation of a historic home while increasing density with a garage apartment at the alley that is appropriate for the area.
Baylee M.
Baylee M. (37921), August 7, 2024 at 9:46 AM
I am a resident of Mechanicsville not of OMNI and I live about a block away from this project. This project is not within ONNI's territory so I am shocked to learn that organization has taken a position. I live near to this project and I fully support this proposal. Saving the historic house and allowing a garage apartment style duplex at the alley is entirely appropriate for this neighborhood . In fact many of the houses within OMNI have garages and even garage apartments behind them. I urge you to support this proposal.
Scott (37921), August 7, 2024 at 10:05 AM
As a resident of Mechanicsville who has also restored a few homes in this neighborhood (and nearby neighborhoods), I urge you to support this request. The fact that Bentley Marlow must continue to jump through all these hoops just to build a garage-like apartment on his property is an indictment of our recently enacted Missing Middle Housing plan... and our City's halfhearted commitment to solving the housing crisis. The entire goal of that plan is to increase density AND save old houses. His proposal does both, yet the city is against it? These roadblocks are not giving the rest of us (who are unable to put forth the time, money, research and commitment like Bentley) much hope to participate and consider to also make plans to better suit current and future residents.
Andrea (37921), August 7, 2024 at 11:03 AM
I have resided and worked in Mechanicsville for a few years. I have watched the neighborhood transform from dilapidated, uninhabitable houses on every street to a respectable neighborhood where residents feel comfortable walking their dogs and letting their children play outside. A more than significant part of this transformation is thanks to Bentley Marlow.  persistent housing crisis, that has kept Knoxville housing scarce and expensive, can be eliminated if builders were allowed to build according to reasonable, responsible codes and necessary provisions to accomplish housing goals be granted in a timely manner. I believe it is in the best interest of Mechanicsville to approve his request to preserve this historic house, protect the mature tree, beautify a long neglected block, increase housing stock, generate more tax revenue, and continue to make our neighborhood more desirable.
Andrea (37921), August 7, 2024 at 11:05 AM
I have resided and worked in Mechanicsville for a few years. I have watched the neighborhood transform from dilapidated, uninhabitable houses on every street to a respectable neighborhood where residents feel comfortable walking their dogs and letting their children play outside. A more than significant part of this transformation is thanks to Bentley Marlow. This persistent housing crisis, that has kept Knoxville housing scarce and expensive, can be eliminated if builders were allowed to build according to reasonable, responsible codes and necessary provisions to accomplish housing goals be granted in a timely manner. I believe it is in the best interest of Mechanicsville to approve his request to preserve this historic house, protect the mature tree, beautify a long neglected block, increase housing stock, generate more tax revenue, and continue to make our neighborhood more desirable.
Dustin (37921), August 7, 2024 at 12:10 PM
I am the past president of OMNI and I believe this proposal is good for the neighborhood. I am baffled that OMNI has taken a stance on this property as it's not within the territory of our group. Moreover, within our territory there are numerous examples of alley facing garages, many with dwelling units within them. Even more shocking is that this proposal would be allowed under our historic zoning guidelines as the structure would be behind the original house and not in view from the street. This is another example of a Carriage house style structure that historically was a feature in many historic homes. Moreover, this proposal saves this historic home--a home that is in terrible condition and will cost a lot to save. In the alternative the historic house will be torn down and by right the developer can build a 2 and a half story quadplex on this lot under the new missing middle housing rules. The developer has the right to 4 units--he's not asking for density beyond what he's already permitted. Ironically he's asking for permission to save a 120 year old house and the very same staff that urged him to save the house is now against his efforts to do so. Please save this historic house by approving the zoning request.
Dustin (37921), August 7, 2024 at 12:15 PM
I am the past president of OMNI and I believe this proposal is good for the neighborhood. I am baffled that OMNI has taken a stance on this property as it's not within the territory of our group. Moreover, within our territory there are numerous examples of alley facing garages, many with dwelling units within them. Even more shocking is that this proposal would be allowed under our historic zoning guidelines as the structure would be behind the original house and not in view from the street. Carriage houses were historically correct, and their are many examples of these. Moreover, this proposal saves this historic home--a home that is in terrible condition and will cost a lot to save. In the alternative the historic house will be torn down and by right the developer can build a 2 and a half story quadplex on this lot under the new missing middle housing rules. The developer has the right to 4 units--he's not asking for density beyond what he's already permitted. Ironically he's asking for permission to save a 120 year old house and the very same staff that urged him to save the house is now against his efforts to do so. Please save this historic house by approving the zoning request.
RaeAnn (37921), August 7, 2024 at 12:17 PM
As a resident of Mechanicsville, less than a block away from this site, I urge you to approve this request. Mr Marlow's plan is to save a historic home and to build a garage apartment behind it at the rear of the house. This is the best of both worlds historic preservation and increased affordable housing options. This is exactly the kind of options the recently enacted Missing Middle Housing program was designed to do.
William and Julia
William and Julia (37830), August 7, 2024 at 12:37 PM
We object to the requested rezoning density of 8 dwelling units per acre and regret our inability to attend the hearing for item 8-N-24-RZ. This property is part of an estate totaling about fifty acres and a 25 bedroom house that was auctioned off July 24, 2020 at which time we purchased a tract of 10+ acres and a barn. At the auction Mr. Cheban purchased two tracts and subsequently has bought two more tracts and now is seeking a rezoning to develop 8.07 acres at 8 dwelling units per acre or 64 total. We object to this development. The remaining auctioned tracts other than Mr. Cheban's remain undeveloped. It is our concern that this density will devalue these tracts. Further, the proposed access road to Ball Camp Pike from this property enters at a point near where a major railroad crosses and would definitely pose a hazard for entering and exiting. Our apologies for the late objections, but we did not receive notice of the rezoning request and were aware only by following up the newspaper notice.
Russell (37803), August 7, 2024 at 1:07 PM

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Lucas (37931), August 7, 2024 at 1:29 PM
Please see attached comments.
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Rachel (37849), August 7, 2024 at 1:31 PM
My family and I DO NOT want rental duplexes on Verton Drive. I have lived on this road for 31 years, and my family has owned land on the road since 1953 (my Grandparents owned the property directly across from the property in question until they passed). Duplexes are not consistent with the character of the road. Each home on this road is situated on a minimum of an acre, spread far apart from one another, and THAT is the appeal of the neighborhood. Allowing duplexes to be built in backyards will ruin the character and effect property values. Additionally, the road is quite narrow and a dead end, allowing only 1 car through at a time. If 2 cars are going opposite directions, they both have the passenger side wheels in someones yard. It is not meant for heavy traffic. Children ride bikes and people walk in the street. This is a rural neighborhood, and should stay that way! The developer requesting this will not have to live with the consequences, the residents WILL. Please vote NO.
Dawn (37931), August 7, 2024 at 1:40 PM
Our valley is undergoing tremendous aesthetic and functional changes with the addition of many new businesses, apartments, and other dwellings of all manner, some of which have drastically altered the beauty of Hardin Valley. The CA zoning has no landscape requirements, which would likely lead to an eyesore at such a prominent (and beautiful) location upon entering Hardin Valley. Here we have the ability to apply CN zoning to ensure that some beautification occurs. Please let the community know that maintaining some aesthetic properties to our community are a priority. CN zoning is more compatible with the historic Yarnell farm's agricultural and the residential uses that are also close by. We respectfully ask that the CN zoning be utilized in lieu of CA.
Angela (37921), August 7, 2024 at 2:51 PM
I am a home owner and live on Callaway Street in Mechanicsville. Bentley Marlow has been doing a lot to try and improve this neighborhood. The rezoning would allow him to provide more affordable housing while still keeping the neighborhood historic.
Applicant Correspondence
August 7, 2024 at 3:06 PM
See the Staff Report from the rezoning last year of the property next door. Everything stated therein is 100% applicable to this property. "There is an increased need for medium density housing. This proposal will provide an opportunity to meet this need." "The proposed amendment is not expected to adversely impact the surrounding area because the adjacent area consists of a mix of residential uses consistent with those allowed in the RN-4 district" "The proposed RN-4 zoning is consistent with the TDR (Traditional Residential Neighborhood) land use classification of the Central City Sector Plan and The City of Knoxville One Year Plan, which allows a mix of detached and attached houses on smaller lots."

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Franco (37921), August 7, 2024 at 3:07 PM
I support the zoning as it will allow the preservation of a historic home while increasing density with a garage apartment at the alley that is appropriate for the area.
Applicant Correspondence
August 7, 2024 at 3:08 PM
Please see the attached Staff Report from the rezoning of the lot next door last year. Everything stated there applies to these two lots. "There is an increased need for medium density housing. This proposal will provide an opportunity to meet this need." "The proposed amendment is not expected to adversely impact the surrounding area because the adjacent area consists of a mix of residential uses consistent with those allowed in the RN-4 district." "The proposed RN-4 zoning is consistent with the TDR (Traditional Residential Neighborhood) land use classification of the Central City Sector Plan and The City of Knoxville One Year Plan, which allows a mix of detached and attached houses on smaller lots."
View Attachment
Maggie (37931), August 7, 2024 at 3:55 PM
I do not agree with re-zoning the property at the corner of Emory and Beaver Ridge Rd. That intersection is already overly congested, and traffic is already a major issue. If property was rezoned and built on at that location, it would only exasperate the issue. Please reconsider this proposal.
Deana (37931), August 7, 2024 at 4:58 PM
I live in the Creek Valley Estates development which is across the street from the lot in question. The traffic along W Emory is getting worse every day and will only continue to as time goes on (particularly with the extensive building going on at the Bell Town development). The rezoning of this lot will potentially add to the increasing traffic problem and, depending on the business put in, could mean 24 hour activity and noise that could be disruptive to our neighborhood. Please think of the people that live in close proximity to this lot and what it could do to our peace of mind let alone our home values!!! I urge you, actually I'm pleading with you, to NOT approve this request to rezone!
Rosella ( 3792), August 7, 2024 at 5:06 PM
i have been a resident of Mechanicsville for over 30 years and I first met Bentley when he was going to college down the street from me and he was a great man and he always talked about how much you want to do for the community and help people in the community and he have helped people in the community and I know that personally I can personally say he is a good man he's a wonderful man he's a great man and he will be the man for the job and he will do the job right and help other people I have personally friends deliver around me they can say the same thing that I'm saying about Bentley and he's a great person and I thank him so much for the things he have done to help me and so many ways he's watched my kids grow up and I just think that Bentley is the guy for the job and he will do a wonderful job if I could think of a lot of stuff to say I can sit down and probably write a book about it and it wouldn't be a lie please please at this time considerably Mr. Marlow the man for the job. He have done great things and we'll make a difference in the community he is real uplifting thank you Miss Rosella Winton

Andrew (37849), August 7, 2024 at 5:19 PM
The property I have lived at for 9 years has been in my family since it was built by my grandfather in 1964. My mother grew up here, and I also grew up here as a kid. Regarding the building of duplexes on Verton Drive, I strongly oppose this new development, as this small and very narrow dead end road is not suitable *at all* for the influx of traffic that this would create on a regular basis (vehicles often cannot pass without one pulling off into the ditch). Pedestrians walk up and down frequently, including school kids walking to and from the bus stop. It is essentially a one lane road and would be a planning disaster for years to come for the existing residents.
Amy (37849), August 7, 2024 at 6:49 PM
The traffic in this area is already unmanageable. Putting a commercial building here would be devastating for the are and traffic.
Jake (37931), August 7, 2024 at 7:22 PM
Please deny the rezoning of this property as it will further decrease local home values, exacerbate traffic, and create an unnecessary commercial property in an all residential area.

1. Unsafe traffic congestion during various times of the day. If a commercial building is placed at this specific lot it will further increase the danger at this intersection. We do not have the infrastructure at this intersection to support anything else. Karns Valley gets backed up all the way to Oak Ridge Hwy and Vice versus during rush hours.

2. Unfit zoning for commercial land. There is substantial commercial land that can be developed 1 mile down the road on Oak Ridge Hwy. placing a convenience store or like in this property makes zero sense.

Please drive and look at this intersection at 5 in the afternoon and seriously consider whether adding commercial business is actually a good idea for the future of Karns and for the consideration of the adjacent residential communities.
Jean (37921), August 7, 2024 at 9:36 PM
I am a homeowner adjacent to 1214 Callaway Street. My home at 1212 Callaway Street and 1214 Callaway are on the historic register. Bentley Marlow has agreed to maintain the historic status of 1214 Callaway according to the required specifications of the Planning Commission. He has also requested RN-2 zoning be changed to RN-4 to accommodate a standard tiny house along with a garage. These 2 additional structures will serve as a property upgrade and further advance the appearance of the community. Mr. Bentley has already proven his skills in property care and redevelopment. This challenge will align with what he has already done. His zoning request should be a positive consideration for the Planning Commission.
Jonathan (37934), August 8, 2024 at 5:34 AM
Please see comments regarding the amendment to the CN zone.
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Annette (37921), August 8, 2024 at 10:13 AM
I have lived in my house for 24 years. I really appreciate the improvements of the dilapidated houses Bentley refurbishes. It makes the neighborhood look much nicer, and gives opportunities to more people to live in this community. I think it is a great idea to rezone the neighborhood so Bentley can continue on his mission of rebuilding Mechanicsville, one house at a time.
Ashton (37849), Submitted during the meeting
I want to share my concern with the proposed building of duplexes on my street. The vast majority of homes on Verton Drive are single family homes, so adding two multi-family units seems unfitting. The idea of added traffic to an already busy street- not big enough for 2 vehicles to pass simultaneously- is concerning. Then there is the added inconvenience that I imagine construction of such a large project would cause. Children ride bikes, and families take walks along the road. I do not support the building of these homes on Verton Drive.
Submitted during the meeting
Nancy (37931), Submitted during the meeting
The traffic along W Emory is getting worse everyday and will continue to grow as time goes by. Being a single narrow lane road by the light it is difficult at times to drive safely as large vehicles are in the other lane traveling opposite direction. It is hard already to get out of our subdivision at various times. Please do not approve this request to rezone.
Submitted during the meeting
Charles (37931), Submitted during the meeting
Hello! I am part of the Creek Valley Estates community as a resident. The intersection in question to rezone and possibly place a convenience store or gas station near our community at the corner of Beaver Ridge Rd and W Emory Rd in Knoxville, TN would be a detriment to our community, as well as the other local residents of this area. This road is already extremely busy, and this would significantly decrease the value of our homes that we have already paid a good amount of money for. Please strongly consider not doing that for this lot, and please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thank you, kindly.
Submitted during the meeting
Rachel (37931), Submitted during the meeting
I am writing to strongly oppose rezoning this lot near our community and home. There are many children in our household and neighborhood, and I think with the increased foot and vehicle traffic, putting a convenience store, gas station, etc on this lot would be a safety concern for our family and our neighborhood. Please reconsider to not put that there. Thank you!
Submitted during the meeting
William and Julia
William and Julia (37830), Submitted during the meeting
Correction to prior comment regarding development of estate auctioned tracts. At the auction Ron Worley bought Westernmost tract fronting on Lobettti Road and built several homes in the $350,000 to $400,000 price range according to advertising signs and postings in the Knoxville News Sentinel.
Submitted during the meeting