Details of Action
Deny the appeal, affirming the decision of the Design Review Board.
Appeal of the Design Review Board's decision to approve the request of Ben Hudgins for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a new primary structure located at 0 W Hill Ave. / Parcel ID 094MD018, 094MD022, 094MD024, 094MD025, and 094ME033. Council District 6.
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Deny the appeal, affirming the decision of the Design Review Board.
Details of Action
Deny the appeal, affirming the decision of the Design Review Board.
Staff Recommendation
Appeal Type: Certificate of Appropriateness
Decision by: Design Review Board
Jurisdiction: City
Original Applicant Name: Ben Hudgins
Original File Number: 4-D-24-DT
Name of Owner of Subject Property: Hill & Locust Partners, Victoria Gillenwater Trust, Barbara Welchel & Zenith Properties LLC
Description of Subject Property: Ward 6; Blocks 0216 and 02105; Parcels 094MD018, 094MD024, 094MD025, 094ME033, and 094ME030
Decision Being Appealed: Design Review Board decision to approve certificate of appropriateness
Reason for the Appeal: Design violates multiple guidelines
Name of Petitioner: The Overlook Owners Association, Inc.
Petitioner's Interest in the Matter: The Petitioner is an association of property owners of abutting property located at 608 West Hill Ave, Parcel 094MD017. The members of the association are aggrieved by the decision of the Design Review Board.
All correspondence should be sent to: Daniel A. Sanders
Lowe Yeager & Brown PLLC, 920 Volunteer Landing, Suite 200, Knoxville, TN 37915
(865) 316-9626 Email:
Body who will hear the appeal and meeting date of the appeal: Planning Commission, August 8, 2024 at 1:30 P.M.