Approve the CA (General Business) zone because it is consistent with surrounding development and the intent of the zone. The TO (Technology Overlay) will be retained.
Approve the CA (General Business) zone because it is consistent with surrounding development and the intent of the zone. The TO (Technology Overlay) will be retained.
This zoning district is intended to provide for a wide range of land uses which are generally categorized in business, industrial and/or office classifications of use, whether in the public or private sectors. The permitted land uses are intended to include those businesses which require building spaces characterized by offices, research and development, manufacturing, and/or combinations of such uses. The permitted uses include, but are not limited to, those which reflect particular emphasis on scientific and engineering applications in product and/or process. The on-site and off-site impacts of such uses are typically similar in kind and degree to such uses located within other zoning districts which allow such uses. Potential impacts are addressed within this district through site-specific planning and design, consistent with the regulations contained herein specific to, but not limited to: area requirements, maximum lot coverage and building height limits, landscaping, utilities, signs, and off-street parking regulations.
The intended and desired effect of the site regulations is to create an attractive park-like setting for the businesses which locate within the park. The planning and design for the park is intended to accomplish an aesthetic environment which is complementary to site features and the surrounding environment. Site features and infrastructure are to be consistent with the park-like design theme.
The BP, Business and Technology Park, zoning district shall be located only within the designated TO, Technology Overlay Zone, subject to the jurisdiction and development review of the Tennessee Technology Corridor Development Authority or its successor, and the metropolitan planning commission.
The TO, Technology Overlay Zone, is established to provide for physical development review in the Tennessee Technology Corridor area of the county by the Tennessee Technology Corridor Development Authority (TTCDA). Within the TO, Technology Overlay Zone, no base zoning may be changed, no variance from the provision of the zoning ordinance may be granted and no building or grading permit may be issued prior to the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness by the TTCDA except for a residential or agricultural use or any use within the Town of Farragut or City of Knoxville defined by the jurisdictional boundaries at the time of enactment of Private Chapter No. 148, Senate Bill No. 1230 of the Private Acts of 1983, hereafter referred to as the Act unless otherwise set forth below.
This zone is for general retail business and services but not for manufacturing or for processing materials other than farm products, except that portable sawmills are allowed.
Hardin Valley Rd and Valley Vista Rd
Commission District 6