Use On Review


Withdrawn by the Applicant

Withdraw the application as requested by the applicant.


Property Info

Case Notes

Applicant Request


Property Information


West side of French Rd, west of E Governor John Sevier Hwy

Commission District 9

28.19 acres

Place Type Designation
AG (Agricultural), HP (Hillside Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Rural Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Withdraw the application as requested by the applicant.
Staff Recommendation
Withdraw the application as requested by the applicant.
The subject property is approximately 28 acres in size with dense vegetation on the majority of the site. The existing natural topography of the property is steeply sloped with elevations ranging from approximately 900-ft up to 1100-ft. The property is bounded by A (Agricultural) zoned parcels and a CA (General Business) zoned parcel to the east.

A rifle range is a "use permitted on review" in the A (Agricultural) zone. The A zone district is intended to provide for a wide range of agricultural and related uses as well as residential uses with low population densities and other compatible uses which generally require large areas or open spaces. The A (Agricultural) zone allows for one (1) acre lot sizes for single family residential uses. Though this area is currently, sparsely populated, the residential development potential within a 1000-ft buffer of the property boundary could result in over 100 additional homes in this area based on the existing acreage zoned A (approximately 120 acres) within that buffer area, outside of the existing right-of-way.

Taylor D. Forrester

Case History