Property Information
Location9608 Westland Dr
Southeast side of Westland Dr., northeast side of I-140
Council District 2
Census Tract 57.11
Size2.40 acres
Planning SectorSouthwest County
Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential) LDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Vacant Land
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1-B-19-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) designation and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1-B-19-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) designation and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Knoxville City Council referred this Sector Plan amendment (1-A-18-SP, formerly 10-A-18-SP) back to Knoxville-Knox County Planning. Associated with this application, City Council also referred the One Year Plan (10-A-18-PA) and Rezoning (10-B-18-RZ) amendments back to Knoxville-Knox County Planning to consider less intense uses.
Staff considered Office designation but this would be inconsistent with recent plan amendment to GC, immediately to the east. It is staff's opinion that public policy has recently shifted, as a recent plan amendment (7-C-18-SP) to GC was approved immediately to the east in Knox County. Given the location adjacent to the Westland Drive and I-140 interchange, it is situated in an ideal location for commercial uses.