Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


1025 Oglewood Ave

Steve Steve Pearson Neighborhood Housing Inc. Neighborhood

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Plot Plan - The driveway shall be 10' wide from the front property line to the front edge of the front porch, then it will be 9' wide from the front poch to the back of the structure and will terminate with a 25' X 25' parking pad. The entire driveway will be concrete. The front yard setback shall be 25' and the west (left) sideyard setback shall be 12' and the east (right) sideyard setback shall be 6'. The front stoop shall be 4'X5'. A tree shall be planted in the front yard. A walkway shall extend from the front porch to the concrete sidewalk.

Architectural Front Elevation - The roof shall have a 10:12 pitch. The front facing exposed foundation shall be between 12" to 18". There shall be three widows facing Oglewood Avenue, two to the left side of the door and one to the right side of the door, when facing the structure. The architectural style of the house is a minimal traditional style.

All details associated with the certificate are found on the accompanying stamped and approved plans.

Steve Steve Pearson Neighborhood Housing Inc. Neighborhood Hou

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History