Property Information
Location2221 White Ave
Fort Sanders, various properties
Council District 1
Census Tract 69
Size44 acres
Planning SectorCentral City
Land Use Classification O, CI, MU-UC,& MU-SD O, CI, MU-UC,& MU-SD
Currently on the Property
Medical, office, parking, residential
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1-C-19-SP, amending the Central City Sector Plan to MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) CC-22 designation and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1-C-19-SP, amending the Central City Sector Plan to MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) CC-22 designation and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff recommends this plan amendment as an extension of the surrounding MU-SD designations to the north, east, and west. The applicant requested a Central City Sector Plan amendment for MU-SD (Mixed Use - Special District) designation and staff worked with the applicant to develop the narrative for the plan amendment (see Exhibit B).
The MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District) CC-22 was created to:
1. Provide opportunity for general development guidance of large campus-like medical institutions;
2. Ensure opportunities for expansion of services and physical infrastructure;
3. Define the boundaries of the medical campus;
4. Identify and preserves access for emergency vehicles, employees, patients, and visitors;
5. Promote the shared use of facilities such as parking lots and decks; and
6. Provide an area for major medical facilities and their ancillary services, such as physicians' offices.
7. Permit residential to complement the mixed use character of the district.