Use On Review


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

DENY the request for the outdoor self-storage facility use because it is not compatible within an established shopping center.

APPROVE the request for an indoor self-storage facility with approximately 80,000 square feet, subject to 7 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

6905 & 6909 Maynardville Pk.

West side of Maynardville Pk., north side of Neal Dr., south of Cunningham Rd.

Commission District 7

15.96 acres

North County

Land Use Designation? MU-SD (NCO-6)

Currently on the Property
Shopping Center

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
DENY the request for the outdoor self-storage facility use because it is not compatible within an established shopping center.

APPROVE the request for an indoor self-storage facility with approximately 80,000 square feet, subject to 7 conditions.

1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to the sign standards (Section 3.90. - Signs, billboards, and other advertising structures).
2) Meeting all applicable requirements of Knox County Engineering and Public Works, including but not limited to the modification of the existing parking spaces and drive aisles, and location and design of the new parking spaces in front of the building.
3) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
4) Providing a detailed landscaping plan for review and appoval to Planning Commission staff during permit review that includes the following:
a. Terminal islands with a minimum of 120 sqft of landscape area per row (240 sqft for double rows) with one medium to large shade tree per row.
b. Providing the required landscaped buffer adjacent to the residentially zoned property to the west and along the Neal Drive frontage per the standards for indoor self-storage facilities (Section 4.93.03.E. & F.).
5) Installation of the required landscaping within 6 months of the issuance of an occupancy permit for this project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Dept. of Engineering and Public Works to guarantee its installation.
6) Meeting the building architectural and material standards for indoor self-storage facilities (Section 4.93.03.J. & K.).
7) Relocating the light pole and fire hydrant that is within the relocated drive aisle as a result of removing spaces at the end of two parking rows.

With the conditions noted, this indoor self-storage facility meets the requirements for approval in the PC (Planned Commercial) and CA (General Business) zone districts, and the criteria for approval of a use on review.
Disposition Summary
DENY the request for the outdoor self-storage facility use because it is not compatible within an established shopping center.

APPROVE the request for an indoor self-storage facility with approximately 80,000 square feet, subject to 7 conditions.

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.
After the Planning Commission
Because of its location in the County, appeals will be heard by Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals.
Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals
March 24, 2021
Appeal by: March 13, 2021

The appeal deadline - March 13, 2021 - has passed.

The Process

Amerco Real Estate Company

Case History

This program aims to increase transit in disadvantaged communities and reduce the impact of climate change. Knoxville-Knox County Planning, in partnership with KAT and the city, will develop a Transit-based Opportunities Map to identify locations for development along key transit corridors that target attainable housing and employment opportunities. Transit-oriented development (TOD) prioritizes efficient, equitable, sustainable development. It also helps reduce poverty and further benefit communities by:

  • Encouraging greater transit use,
  • Reducing automobile use,
  • Maximizing existing infrastructure
  • Reducing emissions, and
  • Providing mixed and low-income housing options.