Property Information
Location9524 Westland Dr
Southeast side of Westland Drive, southwest of Treymour Way
Commission District 5
Census Tract 57.11
Size0.20 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Single family residential and rural residential
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION #1-E-19-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) and recommend that Knox County Commission also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION #1-E-19-SP, amending the Southwest County Sector Plan to GC (General Commercial) and recommend that Knox County Commission also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
The requested GC sector plan designation is recommended as an extension of the adjacent GC designation to the west. This zoning application is needed in order for the applicant to proceed with their Use on Review application for a self-service storage facility.