Property Information
Location0 Beverly Rd. & 0 New Beverly Church Rd.
East side of Beverly Rd., north of Greenway Dr.
Commission District 2
Size78 acres (total)
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential) / SP (Stream Protection) / HP (Hillside Protection)
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning with a density of 2.51 du/ac because it is consistent with the North City Sector Plan?s LDR designation, and retain the F (Floodway Overlay District).
Staff Recommendation
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning with a density of 2.51 du/ac because it is consistent with the North City Sector Plan?s LDR designation, and retain the F (Floodway Overlay District).
Staff recommends the following measures to increase safety and preserve sensitive land on the steep slopes and along the creek. The following conditions would apply if the rezoning is approved:
1. Grading of steep slopes should be kept to a minimum per the Hillside and Ridgetop Protection Plan guidelines.
2. Development should not occur in the floodplains or the floodway.
3. The Knoxville Parks and Recreation Department has requested a trail easement on the southern border of the property to encompass proposed walking trails.
4. Housing and development should be clustered on the flatter portion of the property (containing slopes ranging from 0% to 15%) to reduce the amount of land disturbed, protect the retention and filtration capabilities of the property, and mitigate erosion on the steeper slopes on the southern portion of the property.