Approve the removal of the previously approved planned district designation because doing so is consistent with adopted plans and would enable redevelopment in accordance with contemporary zoning standards.
Approve the removal of the previously approved planned district designation because doing so is consistent with adopted plans and would enable redevelopment in accordance with contemporary zoning standards.
The C-H Highway Commercial Zoning District is intended to accommodate higher-intensity commercial uses of a predominantly auto-oriented character, including retail, rental, and service establishments of a more intense commercial character including those requiring permanent outdoor service or storage areas. The C-H District regulations are intended to ensure the mitigation of any potential impacts related to such
establishments on neighboring uses. The C-H District is divided into two levels of intensity related to the overall form and design of the development; however, uses are the same across all levels.
North side of Clinton Hwy, west of W Inskip Dr
Council District 5
Land Use Classification MU-CC (Mixed Use Community Center) MU-CC (Mixed Use Community Center)
SU cases do not move forward to City Council unless the request is to remove a planned district designation from the zoning map.