Property Information
Location0 Whittle Springs Rd
Northeast corner of Whittle Springs Rd. and White Oak Ln. intersection.
Council District 4
Census Tract 30
Size2.26 acres
Planning SectorEast City
Land Use Classification Office Office
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1-G-19-SP, amending the East City Sector Plan to MDR (Medium Density Residential) designation and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION # 1-G-19-SP, amending the East City Sector Plan to MDR (Medium Density Residential) designation and recommend that City Council also adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit A).
Staff recommends MDR land use designation for this property. The property is located directly east of a HDR (High Density Residential) area and across the street from Whittle Springs Middle School. The site is served by an efficient transportation network that includes direct access to Whittle Springs Rd. (minor arterial), White Oak Ln. (minor collector) and by KAT (Knoxville Area Transit) - Route 90: Crosstown. The surrounding land use pattern and transportation network make this an ideal location for MDR uses.